MasterGooseMaster929Core Social Work Values: For each of the following scenarios,…Core Social Work Values: For each of the following scenarios, identify which core social work values (if any) are reflected by the social worker’s actions: (1) service, (2) social justice, (3) dignity and worth of the person, (4) importance of human relationships, (5) integrity, (6) competence, (7) human rights, (8) scientific inquiry, or (9) none of the above. If more than one value applies, explain how.a.Cloris asks her social worker if she can see what the worker wrote in her case records. Initially, the worker thought about removing a certain page because some notes on that page were not very flattering. The worker ultimately decided to show her the whole case file because she did not want to deceive the client.b.Charlie asks his social worker to help him apply for Medicaid so he can access treatments that he could not otherwise afford. The worker personally believes that people should pay for their own medical bills. Still, the worker follows her professional duties and helps Charlie with his request.c.Shainy wants to know whether her work is being effective. She decides to document her interventions and outcomes in order to evaluate them, incorporating what she has learned in her research class.d.Sinbad advocates for a change in child welfare policy that would allow for greater involvement of extended family members when there are concerns about child abuse or neglect.e.Squiggy is concerned about discrimination against people with AIDS. He talks to his senator about passing legislation to protect them.f.Shevaun has a client who wants help with her fear of flying. Shevaun does not think she has enough experience and training in this area, so she refers the client to someone who specializes in aviophobia.g.Chad calls his social worker an idiot because he is frustrated by lack of progress. The social worker tells Chad he is being childish and that he should find another worker.h.Sharna works with people with Down syndrome. One of the common complaints she hears is that others call them “tards” and other derogatory names. Sharna develops a social media campaign to educate the public on how to treat people with Down syndrome more respectfully.i.Chana tells her social worker that she is a miserable person who has “lied on my taxes, cheated on my husband, and created a fake contest on the Internet to scam elders.” Her worker says that he is not there to judge Chana, but to offer support and help her maximize her own potentialSocial SciencePsychology