KidFireOstrich14Choose one of the topics below and cite specific examples from your…Choose one of the topics below and cite specific examples from your child. A good answer will address every part of the question and will describe the child’s behavior and provide 1 or 2 supporting examples. In addition, wherever possible, you should relate your descriptions and explanations of the child’s behavior to the concepts, theories, and research covered in class lectures and the textbook. This paper does not require any outside research and should be written in your own words.1. How would you characterize your parenting style? How have your specific parenting techniques changed since infancy and early childhood? In what ways do you think your parenting style, or any other aspect of your parenting, has been influenced by your cultural background or other experiences?  Lawrence Kohlberg is one of the best known psychiatrists making one of the best known theories of moral development . Although his work backed off of Jean Piaget ‘s work , he continued his work in more of a process that continues throughout someone ‘s lifespan . Differing from Piaget ‘s 2 stage process – Kohlberg extended his stages to a six stage process . His process was one that allowed a child to think instead of being taught – to learn themselves between right and wrong . This ties back into the statement of how moral development involves a process of learning and experience yet it can not be directly taught due to the fact on how Kohlberg wanted this process to help children with their cognitive process in wanting them to choose the right decision . In stage 2 of his process which is called , ” instrumental purpose orientation ” this stage was to punish their subjects if they did something wrong . They were being taught that bad choices cause consequences , and they will be punished if they chose the wrong decision . In the end , this process of moral development examines how children develop morality and moral reasoning according to Kohlberg ‘s theory of moral development . The six stages of Kohlberg ‘s theory indicate how morality develops . Additionally , moral logic is primarily concerned with seeking and maintaining justice . Although this is something that can be said , but theorists feel that it can not be directly taught because of the fact how children need to go through these stages for themselves and learn between right and wrong growing up . Social SciencePsychology