Answered step-by-step
Infomagical 5-day Challenge – 10%  Infomagical Challenge is five…

Infomagical 5-day Challenge – 10% 

Infomagical Challenge is five days of little experiments designed to help you find focus and discover the magic of clear thinking. Think of it as a digital literacy campaign… on steroids. You will find the challenges short and to the point, but their impact may be quite meaningful. 

Start here: 

Before starting, listen to the Case for Infomagical here: 

And watch the introduction video here:

What to do: You are asked to follow along each day for 5 days and answer questions on your experience and respond to two of your classmates. See below. Your written work should be at the very minimum 300 words, and fully edited. 

Where to do it: Post your answers to the Discussion Board in Blackboard. 

Links to each day’s podcast and instructions are here for your convenience but you can easily find them on the website too. Listen to the mini podcasts (around 11 minutes each) and read the details and instructions. You must use details and terminology from the podcasts in answering your questions!

Day One – Challenge – Magical Day 

Day Two Challenge – Magical Phone 

Day Three Challenge – Magical Brain 

Day Four challenge – Magical Connection 

Day Five Challenge – Magical Life 


Discussion Questions on your personal Infomagical Challenge. Answer all these questions and then respond to 2 of your classmates! Use details and terminology from the podcasts and explanations from the challenge. Ask a question of your classmates, share your experience, encourage. 

Each challenge has related questions. 

Challenge 1: When do you have the most difficulty staying focused on one task? What is causing the distraction and is that under your control?

Challenge 2: How did it feel to delete or uninstall unused apps on your phone? If you turned off notifications for a while, how did that feel? Provide evidence with screen shots of your cleaned up phone or laptop – careful not to include identifiable details.

Challenge 3: What was your rule for “not clicking on what everyone says is important”? “If this does not make me [insert your Infomagical week goal here], I won’t click.”

Challenge 4: What did you discuss for 7 minutes and with whom? Provide some sort of evidence of this conversation. 

Challenge 5: Write a sentence with your personal rule to live by. Write it down, put it up, and remind yourself wherever you consume information. Consider it your ‘note to self.’

Describe what you have learned about yourself this week. Are there things you want to implement from this challenge?