Answered step-by-step
1) Major functions of the skin include: a. Protection b. Excretion…

1) Major functions of the skin include:

a. Protection

b. Excretion

c. Immunity

d. Both A and B

e. All of the above


2) When someone feels something within their body, such as that of bugs crawling under the skin or an object trapped in their abdomen, it is considered a:

a. Olfactory hallucination

b. Gustatory hallucination

c. Somatic hallucination

d. Tactile hallucination


3) Lines measuring the function of loudness and frequencies of sound waves are called:

a. Monaural cues

b. Binaural cues

c. Equal loudness contours

d. Interaural differences


4) Wavelength in sound waves corresponds to ______.

a. Pitch

b. Timbre

c. Volume

d. Intonation


5) The slight difference in degree the sound wave is moving through its wave when it reaches one ear compared to the other

a. Interaural intensity difference

b. Two-process theory

c. Sound shadow

d. Phase difference


6) All of the following are true about sound EXCEPT:

a. Sounds are produced by vibrations

b. Sound is the result of cycles of compressions and rarefactions

c. Wavelength in sound waves corresponds to pitch, the relative highness or lowness of a sound

d. Amplitude in sound waves corresponds to pitch, the relative highness or lowness of a sound


7) What is the difference between rods and cones?

a. Rods process colorful images in very high detail while cones process dim light

b. Cones process colorful images in very high detail while rods process dim light

c. Rods are photoreceptors and cones control the diameter of the pupil

d. Cones are photoreceptors and rods control the diameter of the pupil


8) Perception is

a. The detailed process of interpreting and making sense of a combination of sensations

b. The detection of physical stimuli in the environment such as light waves, sound waves, pressure or chemical molecules

c. The psychological processes whereby meaning, past experience or memory, and judgements are used to evaluate the significance of a particular stimuli

d. Both A and C


9) Top-down and bottom-up processing tend to co-occur.

a. True

b. False


10) Which of the following conditions respond to light therapy?

a. Schizophrenia

b. Dementia

c. Addiction

d. All of the above


11) Which of the following is NOT a type of sensory receptor?

a. Exteroreceptors

b. Anteroceptors

c. Proprioceptors

d. Interoceptors


12) This nociceptor is activated by a variety of high-intensity mechanical, chemical, and very hot or very cold stimuli

a. Thermal

b. Mechanical

c. Polymodal

d. Somatosensory


13) Sensory receptors for gustation are known as ________

a. Gustation cells

b. Food sensors

c. Taste buds

d. Gustation receptors


14)  The principle that the size of the difference threshold is relative to the strength  of the original stimulus is called:

a. The Just-Noticeable Difference

b. Weber’s law

c. Absolute threshold

d. All of the above


15) Which of the following are considered sensory receptors?

a. Exteroceptors

b. Proprioceptors

c. Interoceptors

d. All of the above