Answered step-by-step
Question 1 What is magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) used for? …

Question 1

What is magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) used for? 

A. to measure voltage in a single neuron

B. to create a three-dimensional image of the brain

C. to determine which chemicals are active at a given synapse

D. to determine whether toxic substances have crossed the blood-brain barrier


Question 2

When neurons fire, they release a rush of electrical activity that is called what?

A. modal current

B. an action potential

C. metabotropic activity

D. tomography 


Question 3

Which of the following neurotransmitters is mimicked by the active chemical in marijuana?

A. anandamide

B. acetylcholine


D. endorphins


Question 4

Which part of the brain makes “sense” of what we take in through our senses?

A. superior colliculi

B. cerebellum

C. thalamus

D. basal ganglia


Question 5

What is the name of the gap that exists between neurons?

A. axon

B. axon terminal

C. dendrite

D. synapse


Question 6

What is the  brain’s major inhibitory neurotransmitter? 

A. endorphin

B. l -dopa


D. serotonin


Question 7

Which of the following processes is responsible for removing excess neurotransmitter from the synapse?

A. depolarization

B. reuptake

C. spontaneous disintegration

D. action potential


Question 8

What is the name of the waxy sheath that covers many axons? 

A. dopamine

B. the exoskeleton

C. myelin

D. the dendritic membrane


Question 9

How do drugs act on the nervous system? 

A. They affect the deactivation of neurotransmitters.

B. They reverse the effects of neurotransmitters.

C. They change the shape of the synapse.

D. They increase the production of neurotransmitters.


Question 10

If a neurotransmitter is a key, what structure is the lock?

A. the axon

B. the synapse

C. the receptor

D. the axon terminal


Question 11

Heroin and other opiate drugs are thought to be functionally similar to what neurotransmitter?

A. dopamine

B. acetylcholine

C. endorphins


E. serotonin


Question 12

What brain structure controls primary drives like hunger and thirst? 

A. hippocampus

B. occipital cortex

C. hypothalamus

D. medulla


Question 13

What neurotransmitter is active at the neuromuscular junction? 

A. acetylcholine

B. dopamine

C. myosin

D. serotonin


Question 14

LSD acts as an agonist for which of the following neurotransmitters?

A. glutamate

B. serotonin

C. dopamine

D. acetylcholine


Question 15

Progressive deterioration of motor control is a key symptom of what disorder?

A. Parkinson’s disease

B. schizophrenia

C. serotonin syndrome

D. Alzheimer’s disease


Question 16

Recent brain imaging research suggests that drug craving is associated with activity in what part of the brain?

A. hypothalamus

B. hippocampus

C. temporal lobe

D. limbic system


Question 17

What kinds of  molecules are released by metabotropic receptors that may open ion channels and initiate the synthesis of second messengers?

A. beta-blockers

B. anandamides

C. G proteins

D. monoamines


Question 18

Which of the following will exert the strongest inhibitory action in the brain?

A. acetylcholine

B. serotonin

C. norepinephrine



Question 19

What compound  occupies a receptor but does not activate the neuron? 

A. agonist

B. antagonist

C. enzyme

D. neurotransmitter


Question 20

What kind of  receptor is sometimes termed a “fast” receptor because the entire process is completed in just a few milliseconds?

A. particle

B. channel

C. ionotropic

D. metabotropic