rubiercantillo70Write Discussion based on the following goal: My goal is to stop…Write Discussion based on the following goal:

My goal is to stop eating no later than 7 pm. You could use a combination of reinforcement and punishment to reduce the frequency of eating after 7 p.m. m. If I manage to stop eating by 7 pm, I can reward myself with a reward of my choice (eg a piece of candy, going out for ice cream, etc.). This form of positive reinforcement would encourage me to continue to engage in the desired behavior. Also, I can use the punishment to reduce the frequency of eating after 7 p.m. m. I could set up a system of fines (I get a certain amount of money for each meal after 7pm) that I have to pay on weekends. This would be an unpleasant consequence and prevent me from engaging in unwanted behavior.

Part 1
First, discuss progress toward the goal hypothetically. A goal was set with a completion date of April 11. You also created evaluation plan to track your progress. You must indicate whether or not you have met this goal. Also provide some data about the success you had with the behavior change. For example, if your goal was to engage in a specific behavior 5 times per week, report a few times you actually engaged in the behavior each week.

Part 2
Second, you will participate in step 7 of the behavioral therapy process. Evaluate the treatment plan you started. In general, you should discuss whether or not the treatment plan helped you reach your goal and why it helped or not. If your treatment plan was successful, which components do you think were most helpful? If the treatment plan was not successful, what could you change to make it more successful?

part 3
Third, reflect on this experience of engaging in behavior change and using behavior therapy techniques. Did this experience give you an idea of ??how easy or difficult it might be for clients to make behavior changes? Was it easier or more difficult than you thought to implement behavior therapy techniques? Has this experience changed your thoughts about the behavior therapy process, either from the perspective of the client or the therapist? How did this experience change the way you might work with clients in the future?Social SciencePsychology