Answered step-by-step
Instructions: Select two out of the following scenarios for your…

Instructions: Select two out of the following scenarios for your discussion board this week.
Motivated Mary
Mary is a 34 year old Caucasian female who present to you with a diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disoder-
Severe. She has lost custody of her 3 children (ages 5, 4 and 7) as a result of domestic violence, neglect
and leaving them home for extended periods of time. She reports a history of abuse and trauma
stemming from early childhood. After working with her for several sessions, she states that she realized
she has a problem and now wants to work on her sobriety. She has 2 weeks of sobriety and is ready to
work on goal identification and a plan for relapse.
1. What stage of change is she in?
2. What are 2 goals you would create with Mary?
Reluctant Ryan:
Ryan is a 23 year old biracial male who presents to you with a diagnosis of Opiate Use Disorder-
Moderate. He has been referred through his local probation and parole office as a result of shoplifting
and possession of a controlled substance charges. He has an upcoming court date in 60 days where it
will be determined if he will serve jail time. After 3 sessions with him, he continues to present as
unmotivated and attributes his legal woes to bad luck. He does not want to attend any groups and does
not see where his addiction has contributed to his current status.
1. What stage of change is he in?
2. What are 2 goals you would create with Ryan?
Active Alice:
Alice is a 53 year old Hispanic female who presents to you with a diagnosis of Stimulant Use Disorder-
Severe. She has a history of abusing cocaine on a daily basis in excess of 100$ per day for over 20 years.
At the time of her session she has sustained 90 days of sobriety and has been actively working a
recovery program. She has begun to address her underlying mental health issues and would like to begin
exploring employment options as well as begin to establish relationships with her adult children who
have cut all contact as a result of her addiction.
1. What stage of change is she in?
2. What are 2 goals you would create with Alice?



Identify the stage of change the client is in at the time of termination,
Once, you have selected a stage of change, state what characteristics the client presented with that led to your answer
Identify two goals the practitioner should focus on for termination based on the identified stage of change of the client.

Reply to two people and provide additional ideas for the goals they provided.