Answered step-by-step
Section 1 : The Brain and Behaviour: Helmet Use in SportContains…

Section 1 : The Brain and Behaviour: Helmet Use in SportContains unread posts


Choose a high-speed or contact sport (cycling, ice skating, hockey, BMX riding, skateboarding, football, etc.) where there is a chance of head injury for the players. Do some research into what regulations currently exist around head protection and perhaps what is being proposed for the future. If you choose a sport such as cycling, ice skating, or skateboarding, try to go to your nearest arena or park and quietly observe, without interacting with people, how many people are wearing helmet and how many are not. In your response, tell us when and where you observed the people, and what you saw.

Then, answer the following questions:

Knowing what you know about the various parts of the brain and their vulnerability to injury from Chapter 2, what do you think of the decision to ride, roll, or skate helmet-free? What are your own habits around helmet-riding behaviour? After reading Chapter 2 (from The World of Psychology textbook), would you change your “helmet-wearing” behaviour? Why or why not?

In your answer, please provide THREE reasons from your text for why people should protect their heads (i.e., brains) in certain sports. Provide examples of the parts of the brain and their functions.


***Please  Remember to include in-text citations within the post itself as well as full references.



Section 2: States of Consciousness


Some factors that influence our sleep quality are heredity, stress levels, and our emotional state. Sleep deprivation leads to a significant decline in cognitive and intellectual functioning, and negatively affects our mood, alertness, and performance. REM sleep appears to aid in learning and memory. Following REM deprivation, people experience REM-sleep rebound – an increase in the percentage of REM sleep experienced.

For this activity, find an article in a recent newspaper or magazine that discusses some new research on sleep. It could focus on any aspect of sleep, for example, the recent findings on the relationship between sleep and memory consolidation or the negative effects of sleep deprivation. Then, in your own words, answer the following questions:

– What are some of the factors that might affect the average college student’s ability to get the proper amount and quality of sleep?

– Which of the factors listed above are the most relevant in terms of your own sleep habits?

– What two or three strategies could you use to improve your “sleep hygiene” in the future?

– What is one lifestyle factor or sleep disorder that could interfere with a person’s REM sleep? How could REM-sleep interference affect that person in their waking life?


***Remember to include in-text citations within the post itself as well as full references.