Answered step-by-step
book- Bjorklund, D.F & Causey K.B. (6th Edition). Children’s…

book- Bjorklund, D.F & Causey K.B. (6th Edition). Children’s Thinking: Cognitive Development and Individual


1.  a young child, 3-7 years old, an older child 8-12 years old, and an adult a digit memory span test.
Select three persons, one in each of the appropriate age groups.   everyone needs to submit his/her  written commentary.   

2. Prior to working with the children, make sure you get permission from the children’s parents.

3. Present a list of digits to each subject at the rate of one per second and have each subject repeat as many digits as he or she remembers.   Repeat the process using different data sets to ensure that your testing protocol is reliable.  

4.  Stop testing when the subject is not able to remember both numbers within a particular digit span.  



Note: Bjorklund book- Bjorklund, D.F & Causey K.B. (6th Edition). Children’s Thinking: Cognitive Development and Individual Differences; page 252-254 and the Introduction to Memory Lecture will be most helpful for this.  


1. Provide a brief overview of the study and how it was conducted.  Additionally, define working memory and why it is important.  How does memory span for digits change with age? (Be sure to cite your sources.)  

Your Research

2. How many digits did the young child remember?  Was it the same number regardless of the number of digits presented?  In other words, did the child do better/worse with certain number sequences.  

3. How many did the older child remember?   Was it the same number regardless of the number of digits presented?  In other words, did the child do better/worse with certain number sequences.  

4  How many digits did the adult remember?   Was it the same number regardless of the number of digits presented?  In other words, did the child do better/worse with certain number sequences.  

Results and Contributing Factors

5.  Could anything besides memory span account for the differences between your three subjects?

6. Based on the data, and the information that you read in Bjorklund, what statement could you make about the development of memory span from early childhood to adulthood?  Be sure to use references here as well.  

7. What qualifications, if any, would you need to make about your statement based on the limitations of your data?



use the worksheet photo below on the for the direction and use for the question if needed

Image transcription text

Making Memories Worksheet Directions: Read through each scenario. Identify if the memory is Implicit or
Explicit. Then, identify the speci?c type [i.e. procedural, sensory, short term/working, semantic, or e I isodic
autobio y . nhical. Story or Anecdote Implicit or Explicit You visited your aunt’s house when you wer…
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