Answered step-by-step
Please answer the question of the case studies below; Case study 1:…

Please answer the question of the case studies below;

Case study 1:

Managing Stress in Sport 

How do you deal with stress and stay calm under pressure? Imagine you are coaching a high school basketball team. How might you feel stress? What thoughts or physical stress responses do you experience, and how would you deal with them? How could learning how to manage stress be helpful to you and the players on the team?

Try applying the 4-stage stress process to describe why you feel stressed 
Identify how you can intervene at each stage to manage your stress!

Case study 2:

Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety 

You are an athletic trainer working with an athlete who is complet-ing rehab and getting ready to return to activity. The athlete is clearly anxious about returning to play. How might the athlete be experiencing cognitive anxiety (what is the athlete thinking or worried about)? How might the athlete be experiencing somatic (physi-cal) anxiety? How might cognitive and somatic anxiety affect the athlete’s return to activity? As the athletic trainer, how might you work with the anxious athlete?

Case study 3:

Psych Up or Calm Down? 

Consider the drive and inverted-U models of arousal-performance as well as Hanin’s IZOF. Would you use psych-up or calm-down approaches if you were coaching a high school volleyball team? How would your approaches differ with an experienced senior team favored to win their state championship compared with an inexperienced freshman team?

Case study 4:

Shaun White had fairly high levels of reinjury anxiety. And if you remember, his stress about reinjury greatly affected his training abilities and achievement behavior. Knowing what you know now about stress, how would you help Shaun White manage it? 

Apply the 4 stage stress process
Identify interventions for each stage
How do you know the interventions you proposed will work? 

Case study 5:

Coping With Injury As an athletic trainer, you would be likely to encounter athletes coping with injuries in many ways. List examples of both

emotion-focused and problem-focused cop-ing strategies, as well as avoidance coping, that injured athletes might use. Be specific and note both effective strategies and strategies that are less likely to be effective.

Case study 6:

Adding Breathing Techniques to Exercise Sessions

Participants in an exercise class often bring wor-ries and muscle tension with them to class. As an exercise instructor, how could you incor-porate breathing exercises into your exercise class? Provide guidelines to help participants use these techniques in class and in their daily lives.

Image transcription text

Environmental demand Stage 1 (physical and psychological) Individual’s perception of the environmental
demand Stage 2 (amount of psychological or physical “threat” perceived) Stress response (physical
and psychological) Stage 3 . Arousal . State anxiety (cognitive and somatic) Muscle tension Attentio…
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