DeaconMandrill3056How would you reply>>>>>..   Dear ______: My name…How would you reply>>>>>.. Dear ______:My name is Tim.  I am sixteen years old.  I am a Junior in High School.  Last year, I came out of the closet.  I admitted to my family and friends that I am gay.  Since then, my life has changed so much for the worse.  My Dad has threatened to kick me out of the house if I do not change.  He almost never speaks to me.  My Mom says she supports who I am but her attitude says something different.  She doesn’t take me with her anymore when she visits her friends.  I think she is ashamed of me.  Most of my old friends have deserted me.  It is almost like I have some kind of disease!  I do not understand why this is happening to me.  The minister at my church says I am a sinner and that if I don’t change I will go to hell.  It’s not that I don’t want to change – I don’t think I can.  I have known for quite some time that I am different from most other kids.  When I was young I was never interested in activities that normal boys go into – my father would get so angry with me when I told him I didn’t want to join a Little League team.  But he forced me to anyway.  All those afternoons I spent in right field!  All the times my Dad and coach yelled at me for striking out!  When all I wanted was an Easy Bake oven…I wish I could be someone else!  I wish I didn’t have these feelings – I have bought magazines with naked women and tried to jerk off to them, but I just can’t!  What is the matter with me?  Why can’t I be like everyone else?  Why do I have to be so different?  Is this God punishing me?  What did I do to deserve this!Lately, I’ve been thinking that perhaps everyone, especially my parents, would be happier without me.  I have spent much time thinking about the ways I would kill myself.  I thought about taking a bunch of pills – but what if someone discovered me – how could I ever face anyone again!  Perhaps hanging or if I could only get my hands on a gun – but what am I talking about – do I really want to die? Although, I think killing myself would be the best for everyone concerned some part of me wants to celebrate who I am – It’s like……like I’m drowning and the water is over my head -Please, Please, Please help me….Social SciencePsychology