JusticeTroutPerson668Purpose : Apply the goals of psychology (describe, explain,…Purpose: Apply the goals of psychology (describe, explain, predict, change) and course concepts to a real-life situation.Task: Think about the behavior you wrote about for the Describe assignment.  In the assignment you will explore the causes of this behavior by applying the formula B = f(P+E+PE) and make predictions about what will happen if you do not make any changes to it.Assignment Details:Begin by clearly restating the specific behavior you will be exploring for the assignment.Explain Section (40 points) Explain your behavior in terms of the B = f (P+E+PE) formula.Identify two Person variables (i.e., things that come from “within you” like your biology, personality, traits you were born with, etc.) and explain how they contribute to and/or have led to the development of this behavior (7 pts per P variable).  It is important that you include multiple vocabulary terms from our course in your explanation (6 pts for vocab use).  For example, you may find that terms from Chapter 8 – Personality could be used as you discuss how your personality traits have played a role in the acquisition or development of your behavior. You may include vocabulary from other chapters as well.Identify two Environmental variables (i.e., things in your environment, experiences that have shaped you, people around you, etc.) and explain how they contribute to and/or have led to the development of this behavior (7 pts per E variable).  Again, it is important that you include multiple vocabulary terms from our course in your explanation (6 pts for vocab use). For example, you might decide to incorporate terms from Chapter 5 – Learning as you discuss how classical conditioning, operant conditioning, or observational learning may have played a role in the acquisition or development of your behavior. This is only a suggestion. You may include vocabulary from any chapter that you believe is relevant.Predict Section (23 points)Make at least two predictions about what could happen if you do nothing about this behavior (7 pts per prediction). Consider what will happen one year from now or five years from now if you ignore this problem.  What do you hope to be doing in one year or five years?  For example, will you have graduated?  Will you be working?  Will you have a family?  How could this problem behavior affect you at these stages in your life if you ignore it? Again, include multiple vocabulary terms from the course in your predictions (9 pts for vocab use).  For example, you might incorporate terms from Chapter 9 – Stress and Health as you discuss how high levels of stress may affect your health and behavior. Again, you may include vocabulary from any chapter you feel is relevant.Social SciencePsychology