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Question 17   People generally solve this problem correctly if…

Question 17


Image transcription text

Solomon is proud of his 26-volume encyclopedia, placed neatly, with the volumes in alphabetical order, on his
bookshelf. Solomon doesn’t realize, though, that there’s a bookworm sitting on the front cover of the A volume.
The bookworm begins chewing his way through the pages on the shortest possible path toward the …
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People generally solve this problem correctly if they start by doing what?

  visualizing the arrangement of the books
  implementing a hill-climbing strategy
  implementing a means-end analysis

Question 18

 Functional fixedness arises because of what?

  ill defined problems
  failure to define subgoals
  one’s problem solving set

Question 19

 Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding incubation?

  Unconscious spreading activation can help relate ideas through memory connections
  Mind-wandering may promote problem solving.
  People have time to decrease fatigue and frustration.
  All of the above are true.

Question 20

 Zelma is asked to think of all the words she can, beginning with the letters “squ,” such as squeak. She is then given a fill-in-the-blank task on which one of the items is “s _ _ o n g.” Zelma keeps trying to make “squong” a word, and has trouble thinking of the common word strong. Zelma’s ability to solve this problem has been hampered by: 

  divergent thinking
  using analogies
  mental set
  using an algorithm rather than a heuristic

Question 21 

 Which of the following is true of highly creative people?

  They are less likely to experience an “Aha!” moment when they are incorrect about the solution to the problem.
  They only pursue ideas that they are very confident will succeed.
  They never question their ideas.
  None of the above is true

Question 22

 Which of the following is TRUE about heuristics?

  decreases the efficiency of problem-solving strategies.
guarantee a feasible solution.
  allows you to do an exhaustive search.
strategically decrease the size of the problem space.

Question 23 

If you are given a trio of words such as Elephant Lapse and Vivid and asked what fourth word relates to each of the first three, you are taking the __________ test of creativity (BTW – the answer is memory).

Torrance test of creative thinking
Creative climates test
  Remote associates test
  Guilford’s test of divergent thinking

Question 24

A persons preferred strategies, habits, and beliefs is known as

cause and effect diagram
  their problem space

analogy development


Question 25 

A problem space includes

  the operators that lead to a solution and the operators that fail to lead to a solution.
all possible states that could occur when trying to solve a problem.
only operators that lead to a solution.
only states that lead to a solution.

Question 26

 Einstellug is a problem solver’s beliefs, habits, and strategies.


Question 27

People that show functional fixedness are more likely to be creative.


Question 28

The means-ends strategy guides the search through the problem space by repeatedly ignoring the current state of the problem in favor of the goal state. 
