DukeFreedomMouse28 . In the Milgram experiment, participants: ® had to receive…Image transcription textIn the Milgram experiment, participants: ® had to receive shockseach time they answered incorrectly. had to administer shocks tolearners each time the learner made a wrong answer. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Binet IQ score is mental age/chronological age x 75. A True BFalse… Show moreImage transcription textWhen Ryan’s parents are getting a divorce, he begins sucking histhumb. He is demonstrating regression. A True B False… Show moreImage transcription textConformity and compliance are different in that: ® Complianceinvolves alteration of behavior in response to a request.Conformity involves alteration of behavior in respons… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDisabled Veterans asks you for $1 donation and; over time; you?nd you have been slowly increased and now send them $15 amonth because they used the foot-in-the-door techniq… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich defense mechanisms are similar to each other? ARepression and regression. B Displacement and regression. CProjection and displacement. D Repression and projection…. Show moreImage transcription textTrait theories are primarily descriptive theories that attempt toidentify specific dimensions that are associated with differentpersonalities. A True B False… Show moreImage transcription textAs an example of irrational social influence of attitudes, Richardlies about his political affiliation because he thinks it will benefithim in his relationship with his new boss. A True B False… Show moreImage transcription textAn individual with this perspective would explain somaticsymptom disorder as a reinforcer if it allows the individual toescape from the anxiety of unresolved issues. ® Psychoanalytic … Show moreImage transcription textTyler feels that his past strongly influenced his life, and he ispowerless to stop its current influence on how he feels andbehaves today. What would a rational-emotive therapi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJung believed that humans have this archetype that would besimilar to Freud’s notion of the id, which Jung later equated withthe universal notion of sin. A Mother B Shadow C Chil… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe second step in creating an intelligence scale would be togenerate the items. … Show moreImage transcription textIn the Milgram experiment, participants had to administer shocksto “learners” each time a person got an answer wrong.A True B False… Show moreImage transcription textThis refers to the fact that we like to see our world as predictable.Even if an event was something we could not predict, we like toapply hindsight. ® Illusion of control. False consensus … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThese individuals have an especially strong influence on ourattitudes. A Teachers B Television characters C Church membersD Parents and peers… Show moreImage transcription textIn cases of extreme depression, would be the first line oftreatment. A psychosurgery B psychoactive drugs ECT D ablation… Show more Social SciencePsychology