Answered step-by-step
        1-For which of the following relationships would an…





1-For which of the following relationships would an individual involved be MOST likely to separate sex and love?






A lesbian pair





A gay male pair





A cohabiting heterosexual couple





A married heterosexual couple











2-Marisa has difficulty having an orgasm through vaginal intercourse. Roger, her partner, does not want to engage in other forms of sexual play. What could benefit Marisa to achieve more sexual satisfaction during vaginal intercourse with Roger?






Imagining an erotic, sexual fantasy during intercourse





Masturbating alone after Roger falls asleep





Complaining to her friends





Hoping Roger will become more attuned to her sexual needs without discussion











3-Whichstatement regarding the factors that determine sexual orientation is true?






Gender nonconformity in childhood is not associated with adult homosexuality.





There is evidence that biological influences play a larger role in determining sexual orientation than social influences.





There is no evidence for a genetic basis for sexual orientation.





New research approaches make it possible to disentangle biologically based evidence from the sociocultural

contexts in which people develop.











4-In an effort to get her partner to begin talking more openly about sex, Sharon asks questions about how she learned about sex at home and at school, how nudity and physical affection were dealt with at home, etc. She also shares information concerning herself. She is using the “getting started talking” strategy of:






talking about talking.





unconditional positive regard.





sharing sexual histories.





mutual empathy.











5- Which of the following are symptoms of masturbation, according to social and medical attitudes of the 1800s and early 1900s?






Boost of energy and intelligence, relaxation, reduced sexually transmitted infections





Boost of energy and intelligence, relaxation, increased sexually transmitted infections





Stupidity, loss of energy, sore eyes, blindness, and insanity





Boost of energy and intelligence, sore eyes, and blindness











6- Which of the following is LEAST likely a motivator for sex?











Physical need





















7-In the past, which of the following was considered a technique to control masturbation?






Talking about sexual fantasies with partners to avoid acting on the urges





Eating rich foods that were high in fat





An increase in daily exercise





Bandaging the genitals or tying the hands at night











8-In today’s technological world, what factor has become less important in the forming of a relationship?






geographical proximity















romantic connectedness











9-Compared to heterosexuals, lesbians:






tend to report having more sexual partners.





are less likely to be sexually monogamous.





report experiencing somewhat less satisfaction from tender, sensual, and erotic sexual activities.





report more frequent orgasms and longer sexual encounters.









10-Which statement regarding gender differences in sexual fantasies is true?






Females are more likely than males to engage in sexual fantasies in which the female plays a passive role while a male shows interest in her body.





Females rarely if ever engage in sexual fantasy.





Females express more interest in acting out their sexual fantasies than males do.





Females are significantly more likely than males to fantasize about seeing a male partner have sex with someone else.