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please asap, its a graded quiz. i dont need an explanation. its a mcq.

46. Which of the following is TRUE about infants with insecureattachment relationships to their caregiver?


They make up around 65% of American babies.


They come in three types, the most common of which is disorganized-disoriented.


They can be identified based on their reaction in the Strange Situation.


all of the above


44. Lucas learns that he can add the letter “y” to a noun to make it an adjective. His father laughs when Lucas tells him it is a “coldy and rainy day.” Lucas had committed an __________ error.










42. Natalie has learned to pull the top off her milk bottle. When she comes across another bottle with a twist-off top she tries to pull it off too, just like she does with her milk bottle. This example illustrates Piaget’s concept of __________.










40.  The pattern of growth and development that moves from inner to outer is called the ________ growth pattern.











39. The rate at which changes in physical development (e.g., height and weight, the brain) occur during infancy can best be described as “slow and steady.”






38. The birthing process occurs in three stages. The second stage takes place when


uterine contractions begin, causing the cervix to open.


the baby is surgically removed from the uterus.


the baby’s head moves into the birth canal and eventually emerges from the mother’s body.


the placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes are detached and expelled.



35. When a parent speaks to an infant using infant- or child-directed speech, she


speaks in longer sentences in an attempt to hold the child’s attention.


exaggerates the changes in pitch and loudness.


usually makes it more difficult for her child to acquire language.


all of the above


34. As discussed in the lectures and in the text, the most likely reason for the increase in cesarean deliveries within the U.S. centers on __________.


deficiencies in prenatal care


the routine use of technology to monitor fetal heart rate during delivery


increased use of pain reducing medications that slow the process of labor


an increase in breech positions


33. The assessment of newborn reflexes is one way to determine if


the baby will be an early walker.


damage to the central nervous system has occurred.


chromosomal abnormalities are present.


the child is at risk for SIDS.


31. In Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, the key element in measuring the quality or type of the attachment relationship is how a child


responds to a stranger.


plays with a caregiver.


both A and B


responds to reunions with a caregiver.


27. In Renee Baillargeon’s studies of infant cognition (e.g., rotating screen with disappearing box, disappearing Minnie Mouse), __________ served as the INDEPENDENT variable and __________ as the DEPENDENT variable.


type of event; looking time


looking time; type of event


age; sucking pattern


sucking pattern; age