GrandCapybara3157Step 1. Read an article that appeared in The Philosophers’…Step 1. Read an article that appeared in The Philosophers’ Magazine, entitled “The Drug Laws Don’t Work,” by Michael Huemer(below) . The article contains some ingenious inductive argumentative strategies, including reasoning by analogy, causal argument, and enumerative induction. With minor modifications, a few of Huemer’s arguments could be reconstructed as statistical syllogisms. However, the article also comes dangerously close to committing some fallacies, such as weak analogy, false cause, hasty generalization, and slippery slope. Step 2. Once you’ve read the article, find an instance of where the argument comes close to committing a fallacy (or outright commits it). Then identify the inductive inference pattern that the fallacy misappropriates, such as inductive generalization, statistical syllogism, analogy, or causal argument. Step 3. On the Discussion Forum, respond to the following prompts: For the fallacy:• Name the fallacy that you were able to identify • Define the fallacy – based on the lectures and reading • Explain why you think it’s committed. For the inductive inference pattern: • Identify the type of inductive inference that the argument misuses • Reconstruct its premise(s) and conclusion in standard format (P1, P2, etc., /C). Regarding your personal opinion: • Do you think that drugs should be legalized, or perhaps that only certain drugs should be legalized? What are your reasons?Image transcription textThe drug laws don’t work Written by: Michael Huemer | Appearsin: Issue 4] July ID, 1009 Let me begin with a story1 and see whatyou think about it. A man named Flip owned a comput… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHere is why: because what Flip did, he did to his own computer. IfFlip had destroyed someone else’s computer, say a computer in apublic library, then he would be held accountable by th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textwill be set back thirty years by the tragic loss ofFlip’s brilliantdissertation. Furthermore. Flip will be unhappy for the nextseveral months because of the loss of his computer. ca… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhat can be done about Trip? Whereas nearly everyone iscontent to leave Flip alone to make his own mistakes withcomputers, most individuals and governments would s… Show more… Show more  Image transcription textothers to buy drugs. The drug laws create a regime in which crimeburgeons: because legitimate businesses are prevented fromproviding the goods demanded by the market, criminal… Show more… Show more Image transcription textMany conservatives feel repelled by this cynical approach. Thosewho feel this way would do well to learn from the views of theirconservative colleagues about economic policy. Conse… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textby angels, that problem will not be solved, and to declare”war” on it is to declare war on human nature. This isnot to justify complacency in the face of vice and suffe… Show more… Show moreSocial SciencePsychology