biolagbuyiApply the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention in the 2 cases provided…Apply the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention in the 2 cases provided in detail. Outline and provide details related to each specific stage of the model and how it each of the selected vignettes applies. Discuss your first selected vignette in detail in thinking about the model and then discuss the second vignette in detail.  Vignette #1. Thirty five year old woman self referred for therapy; reports during the 4th session that she has been suicidal over the past several days. The trigger for her ideation is reported to be her relationship with her boss. After talking to her by phone nightly for several weeks, he now refuses her calls and is cold and remote at work. The client feels hurt, angry and rejected and has threatened to kill herself. She has a plan to drive her car off a bridge that she passes on her way home from work. She is also reports ongoing anger at her mother who will not allow her to smoke or entertain men at their home. In the session, the woman appears somewhat confused and repeats elements of her story. When asked, she admits to drinking several glasses of wine today. The initial assessment history reveals that the client has made one previous suicide attempt by overdose resulting in a short hospitalization 6 years previously. Upon sobering up, the woman denies further suicidal ideation or intent.  Vignette #2. 33 y/o white male called crisis the previous night after reportedly ingesting 20 sleeping pills. He says he hung up the phone because he got scared and later induced vomiting and slept through the night. The man called crisis again the following morning reporting ongoing suicidal thoughts but refusing to give name or location. By tracing the call, local police were able to pick-up and detain him for assessment. He reports ongoing feelings of frustration and hopelessness but states that his overdose was impulsive, not planned and that he regretted it immediately. He is somewhat reluctant to talk about how often he thinks of suicide. He admits to drinking 10 beers the previous night before the overdose and to drink “some” several times a week. He denies use of any other drugs, other than marijuana occasionally with others. Client recently lost job of 3 years, broke up with girlfriend and is uncertain where he will live. He struggles with chronic pain from an untreated back problem that limits his ability to work. Two prior suicide attempts, one at age 18, another 2 years ago. He currently sees a therapist and is involved in a transitions group though reports he is isolated from his family and has few friends. PLEASE USE INTEXT CITATION AND APA REFERENCES. THANK YOUSocial SciencePsychology