Answered step-by-step
In this part of the assignment, your task is to search the…

In this part of the assignment, your task is to search the literature for three empirical articles related to the article you chose in Part A (Barry, C. T., Doucette, H., Loflin, D. C., Rivera-Hudson, N., & Herrington, L. L. (2017). ‘Let me take a selfie’: Associations between self-photography, narcissism, and self-esteem. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 6(1), 48-60. doi:10.1037/ppm0000089) . Be aware that you can limit your PsycARTICLES search to only empirical articles using the tick boxes on the left-hand side of the search page. For each of these articles, provide the reference in A9A style. Refer to Thompson Rivers University Library’s Psychology Research Guide for A9A style guidance.

Pay particular attention to the following elements:

Names of all authors listed correctly (i.e., surnames first followed by initials, separated by commas and ampersand)

Year of publication listed correctly (i.e., year in parentheses immediately following authors’ names)

Title of article correctly given (i.e., complete title, not capitalized)

Name of journal listed correctly (i.e., journal title is capitalized and italicized)

Volume, issue, and pages given in correct order and accurately

For further samples of A9A Style, see Style and Grammar Guidelines from the American Psychological Association website.

Copy and paste the abstract for each of the three articles into your assignment. Choose one of these abstracts and respond to the following questions about it:

Cite the article you have chosen in correct A9A style, using surnames and year. Describe how your chosen article relates to the article in Part A, both generally in terms of the area, and specifically in terms of what was investigated.

What hypothesis is being tested in your chosen article?

Describe the sample of participants.

Describe the procedure that the authors used (e.g., did they have participants come into a lab, did they send them a survey to complete, etc.).

Describe what the authors were measuring (e.g., the variables, conditions, etc.).

Describe the results in words.

What are two key points from the Discussion section concerning the authors’ interpretation of the results?

What are two limitations in the study? These might be aspects of their participants (e.g., it was a convenience sample rather than a random sample), the method (e.g., the procedure), or others. If two limitations are not listed in the Discussion section of the article, suggest some.

Based on your understanding of this article and the article you chose in Part A, suggest a new, related hypothesis. Then, describe how a researcher might design a study that would test this hypothesis. This will be posted to a discussion forum and will also form a portion of Part D of this assignment.


An example or an article you may use is : 


Blachnio, A., Przepiorka, A., & Pantic, I. (2016). Association between Facebook addiction, self-esteem and life satisfaction: A cross-sectional study. Computers in Human Behavior, 55(Part B), 701-705.