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Intimate Personal Violence Chapter 1    Chapter 1 Key Word…

Intimate Personal Violence Chapter 1 


Chapter 1 Key Word Puzzle: History of Intimate Personal Violence in Canada


1. part of a tradition in which families are male dominated

2. the exercise of authority or power in a cruel or unjust manner

4. five Alberta women who were persistent critics of male society’s refusal to grant women political and social equality

6. prejudicial attitudes toward racial and ethnic groups based on false or inade-quate group images

10. a doctrine that holds that the state has a responsibility to look after the well-being of children and to assume the role of parent

14. the repeated mistreatment or beating of a child resulting in physical and psychological injuries

15. published by the APA it is used by clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric illnesses and covers all categories of mental health disorders for both adults and children

16. the process by which minority groups gradually adopt the cultural patterns of the dominant majority group

17. the movement of persons from one country or locality to another

18. a symbol used to identify male prisoners who were sent to camps because of their homosexual status

19. when radical or ethnic groups from one society take over and dominate the racial or ethnic groups of another society

20. interpreting the victim’s reaction to his or her victimization as an illness, sickness, or pathology

21. first enacted in 1892; the most important source of criminal law in Canada. It contains the full listing and explanation of criminal offences and procedures in Canada

22. Canadian report published in 1984 that outlined the extent of child sexual abuse in Canada. It painted an alarming picture of the scope and history of this problem



1. a court decision that influences or binds future decisions on the same issue or similar facts

3. a term commonly used after the First World War to refer to what is now known as post-traumatic stress disorder

5. a legal rule or a body of legal principles, established through judicial decision, that deals with particular legal issues or subject areas

7. the constitutional document that sets out the rights and freedoms affecting people of Canada; the people entitled to the specific rights and freedoms vary by the particular right or freedom

8. also referred to as workhouses; places where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employment

9. norms that have a moral base

11. a provision in the German Criminal Code that made homosexual acts between males a crime

12. when a person makes up something about someone that is not true

13. to terminate the application of a statute


Please note; two combined words might be necessary to secure the accurate answer however there will be no space; for example Criminal Code. 

Chapter 1 Key Word Puzzle: History of Intimate Personal Violence in Canada

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