ColonelDugong3004Part 1 Do a Personal Goal and Assessment Plan Select a behavior…Part 1 Do a Personal Goal and Assessment Plan Select a behavior that you would like to try to change. You should do a goal for that behavior with a deadline. explain how you will assess yourself to determine whether or not you have complied with the behavior, using at least one of the behavior assessment techniques. When formulating the goal, make sure that good behavior goals are specific, unambiguous, and measurable. It should be very clear what needs to be done to achieve the goal and you should be able to easily assess whether or not the goal has been met. In addition to being specific, unambiguous, and measurable, I would also add that a good goal should be realistic, something that you truly believe you can achieve. (Example): The behavior I would like to change is waking up earlier. However, this is a vague goal: how will I know if I have achieved this goal? For it to be a good behavioral goal, I need to specify how I will know whether or not I have reached the goal. So you could be more specific, unambiguous, and measurable by saying “I’ll wake up no later than 6:30 am.” I also want my goal to be realistic, and I know that I like to sleep in on the weekends. So I could modify my goal to be “I will wake up no later than 6:30 AM, 5 days a week (Monday-Friday).” It also helps to have a target date to work towards completing your goal. So my goal with a target date included would be “I will wake up no later than 6:30 am. 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) by 04/11/23”. Now I need to think about how I will evaluate my progress toward this goal. I could use the self-report evaluation method to track my progress. I could write on my calendar each morning what time I wake up, then at the end of each week, I can look at my calendar and count how many days I woke up at 6:30 am. Part 2 Help a client do a behavior goal and assessment plan. As in Part 1, do a good behavior goal and assessment plan that this client can use. (Example Client Situation): Emma has been feeling depressed for the past two months. She cries every day, sleeps 12-15 hours a night, and stays home most of the time. She feels sad every day and she feels that she will never get better. When she is asked about her goal, Emma says “I want to be happy”. Help Emma create a good behavior goal (specific, unambiguous, measurable, and realistic) and explain an assessment method she could use to track her progress.Social SciencePsychology