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Please help with this review   I have read and understand the…

Please help with this review


I have read and understand the Academic Honor policy as outlined in
the Online Honor Code for Liberty University Online. I agree to abide by this policy and that the work submitted herein is my own.
The research design should be described in which section of a manuscript?
Which level of heading is used for “Results”?
A Reference List:
According to Section 6 of the Publication Manual, when beginning a sentence with a number, one should:
As covered in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual, which of the following is a strategy to improve one’s scientific writing?
Which section of a manuscript details how the study was conducted, including conceptual and operational definitions of the variables used in the study?
As covered in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual, which term refers to using more words than necessary?
Which level of heading is flush left, boldface, uppercase and lowercase?
As covered in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual, which term refers to using multiple words with the same meaning?
According to Section 6 of the Publication Manual, when reporting p values, one should typically:
Researchers do not claim the words and ideas of another as their own; they give credit where credit is due. To violate this principle is known as:
Which section of a manuscript involves the examination and interpretation of results with inferences and conclusions?
What type of article is a report of original research that typically include an introduction, method, results, and discussion?
Which level of heading is typically used for the section “Participants”?
Which level of heading is used for the Procedure subsection?
What term specifically refers to the practice of presenting one’s own previously published work as though it were new?
The correct format for the running head is:
Which subheading should you go to within a Method section to find: how data was scored / quantified and what statistical test was used?
Which of the following is the recommended format to report use of SPSS software (we’ll pretend it is version 29) in the method section of a quantitative research paper (according to this week’s assigned readings and presentation?)
Which subheading should you go to within a Method section to find: the sampling procedure and number of participants?
Which subheading should you go to within a Method section to find: details about the scale used to measure “happiness”?
When writing a research paper in APA format, what level of heading should be used for the subsection “Materials”?
Which subsection of the Method section includes a summary of where the study took place and also describes the experience of the participants in a detailed and organized manner?
Which of the following would be an appropriate running head for a research study on anxiety in first year medical students?
Which of the following is the most appropriate way to cite an article?