Answered step-by-step


As addictions metrics continued to rise in the late twentieth century, American politicians from all sides of the aisle promoted a criminal justice approach to addictions hoping this would deter individuals from trying substances and prevent the development of addictions in the future. Leaders spoke of a “War on Drugs,” and policies were implemented to increase prison sentences for drug possession and distribution. However, as time has passed, leaders have not seen the hoped-for decreases in addiction-related deaths or associated economic and social losses. Instead, addiction metrics have continued to rise, and prisons are full of non-violent offenders who rarely receive effective treatment for their addictions.

As leaders assess the increasing prevalence and mortality rates, there is debate about what next steps will be most beneficial for society as a whole. Some argue that a stricter criminal justice approach is needed to reduce access to substances and provide justice for victims of drug-related crimes. Others argue that decriminalization and harm reduction have a stronger evidence base and that a systemic public health approach will lead to better outcomes. In this Discussion, you will explain whether criminal justice or public health approaches to addiction are most beneficial to communities. You will use the Learning Resources and additional peer-reviewed sources to justify your position.


Societal Approaches Towards Addiction

Thombs, D. L., & Osborn, C. J. (2019). Introduction to addictive behaviors (5th ed.). Guilford Press. 

Chapter 3: Public Health and Prevention Approaches

Impact of Addiction on Society

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2016, November). Chapter 1: Introduction and overview of the report. Download Chapter 1: Introduction and overview of the report.In The Surgeon General’s report on alcohol, drugs, and health.

: Read only pages 1-33.

SAMHSA. (2020). Highlights for the 2020 national survey on drug use and health. Download Highlights for the 2020 national survey on drug use and health. 

Veach, L. J., & Moro, R. R. (2018). Chapter 10: Societal systems impacted by the addiction spectrum: Legal, workplace, and medical settings Download Chapter 10: Societal systems impacted by the addiction spectrum: Legal, workplace, and medical settings. In The spectrum of addiction. SAGE.

: Read only pages 210-231.







Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on Chapter 3 from the course text. Focus on Des Jarlais’ public health model vs. the “war on drugs” and law enforcement approaches that have been prevalent historically in the USA.
Consider U.S. history where often substance use has been criminalized.
Think about reasons for continuing to criminalize drugs and reasons for decriminalizing drugs. What position would you take and why?


 respond to the following:

Explain whether you think a criminal justice approach or a public health approach would be most beneficial to address the addiction problem in society. Give at least two reasons why you think the approach you chose is the most beneficial. Support your choice with evidence from the Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly peer-reviewed source.

 Be sure to include in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style.