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    What are two DSM V Diagnosis that meet criteria with the…



What are two DSM V Diagnosis that meet criteria with the following case study:

9:22 PM (0 minutes ago)




What are two DSM V Diagnosis that meet criteria with the following case study:


Nick is a 17-year-old white male who grew up in East St. Louis, Illinois. Throughout Nick’s life, the city had the reputation for being one of the roughest, most dangerous places to live. Crime rates were high and included muggings, robberies, drug dealing, and murders. Nick is the only child to his mother who worked three jobs. He never met his father. His mother claimed that Nick’s father “got into some bad stuff and had to leave town.” 

Without a male role model, Nick found himself lost. There were many walks to school where he was threatened. A few times he was even beaten up and had his shoes and coat taken. He realized quickly that the only way he could be protected was by joining a gang. So, at age 10, he did. To join the gang and maintain membership, he had to deliver drugs throughout the neighborhood. Accordingly, he would transport drugs in his backpack and ride them on his bike from one end of town to another. There was always an older adult nearby, watching so that nobody stole his stash or that he would not narc on the gang if he were arrested. Though he distributed all sorts of drugs, there was a rule for him and the other young children—to never use their own stash. The teenagers explained that whenever they used their own stash, they became sloppy. Becoming sloppy could lead to getting caught or killed, clearly not something they wanted. 

Instead, the kids would consume alcohol. It was normal for 10-year-old Nick and his friends to drink a beer or two or have a shot after work. This turned into drinking a 40-ounce and/or multiple shots by age 12. By age 14, he and his friends would drink entire bottles of liquor. They would get the work done first and had the tolerance to make it home safely and not be noticed by their parents. Soon enough, the evening drinking turned into something that occurred throughout various points of the day. At age 17, Nick began his day with an eye-opener and would sneak a flask into class. After his fifth time getting caught, he was expelled. A year short of completing school, he stopped caring. His mother was beside herself but did not know what to do. Now, without school, Nick spent more time with the gang, drinking and starting to dabble with drugs. After a couple months of this lifestyle, he realized that something had to change. He wants help but has no support. One day, he decided to call a substance abuse hotline.