Answered step-by-step
What appears to be the relationship between mental illness and…

What appears to be the relationship between mental illness and holding careers in fields which involve creativity as a key component?

Question 61 options:

  Mental illness leads to creative minds and thinking.
  Creativity causes mental illness.
  A correlation may exist between major creative achievement and vulnerability to mental illness.
  Creativity is highly correlated with a lack of work ethic and motivation.


Question 62 (1 point)










What term is used to indicate the percentage of people who score at or below a given score?

Question 62 options:

  Deviation score
  Percentile score
  Raw score
  Standard deviation


Question 63 (1 point)










What is the basic idea behind the set-point theory of body weight?

Question 63 options:

  The body monitors fat stores and tries to keep them stable.
  The body monitors carbohydrate stores and tries to keep them stable.
  Internal hunger signals are set by external triggers.
  Glucostats are critical in weight control.


Question 64 (1 point)










Among Canadians aged 18 to 19, approximately what proportion is sexually active?

Question 64 options:



Question 65 (1 point)










A developing baby and its mother are linked through:

Question 65 options:

  The zygote
  The placenta
  The fallopian tube
  Blood vessels


Question 66 (1 point)










Contrary to common belief, this factor is not actually positively correlated with happiness?

Question 66 options:

  Work satisfaction
  Physical health


Question 67 (1 point)










Frank is an adult who has an IQ of 60, completed Grade 5, and is basically self-supporting (although he receives some support and guidance from his parents). Which category best describes Frank’s abilities?

Question 67 options:

  average intelligence
  mild disability
  moderate disability
  severe disability


Question 68 (1 point)










The consensus regarding the heritability ratio of intelligence is that it is about ______ with the environment:

Question 68 options:



Question 69 (1 point)










Liam is walking through the woods at night when he hears a wolf howl. His heart starts to race and he breaks out in a sweat. Liam notices these physical reactions and concludes that he must be terrified. This example is consistent with which theory of emotion?

Question 69 options:

  Schachter’s two-factor theory
  Evolutionary theory


Question 70 (1 point)










The extent to which there is evidence that a test measures a particular hypothetical construct of interest describes:

Question 70 options:

  Content validity
  Construct validity
  Criterion-related validity
  Construct reliability


Question 71 (1 point)










Awareness of how one’s emotions shape one’s thinking, decision making, and coping with stress is:

Question 71 options:

  One of Gardner’s “multiple intelligences”
  An essential component of Salovey’s theory of emotional intelligence
  How Goleman defines analytical intelligence
  None of the above


Question 72 (1 point)










Which term refers to the engorgement of blood vessels that results in the swelling of genital tissue?

Question 72 options:



Question 73 (1 point)










Which type of intelligence correlates best with success in school, at work, and in interpersonal relationships?

Question 73 options:

  full scale intelligence
  verbal intelligence
  fluid intelligence
  emotional intelligence


Question 74 (1 point)










In relation to motivation, what does the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) measure?

Question 74 options:

  sexual motivation
  emotional reactivity
  achievement and affiliation motivation
  sensitivity to incentives


Question 75 (1 point)










The gap between what a learner can accomplish on their own and what they can achieve with help from more skilled partners is called the:

Question 75 options:

  Scaffolding effect
  Zone of proximal development
  Training effect
  Coat tails effect