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I need help with these 10 questions   1. Ken is designing a…

I need help with these 10 questions


1. Ken is designing a research study in which he will examine the reading scores of the same group of students every year for ten years. He’s interested in figuring out if most students will progress in their reading skills in the same way over time. Ken’s research design is best defined as which of the following? 

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2. Lauren is conducting a study in which she compares internet literacy scores between a group of 25 year olds and a group of 65 years olds. If we assume that any changes Lauren sees are a function of the generation someone is born in, we would say Lauren is studying what kind of effects?

Group of answer choices

Cohort effects


Time-of-measurement effects


Longitudinal effects


Age effects


3. Dustin is researching attachment, reading dozens of different studies on the topic. As he reads, he realizes that many of these studies have unfairly and inaccurately considered attachment patterns in non-white or lower-SES homes as being deficient. The work Dustin is reading has likely been influenced by which of the following?

Group of answer choices

Time-of-measurement effects


WEIRD people


Cohort effects




4. The idea that biological organisms are physically and materially formed at the earliest stages of development and just grow larger as they age is the hallmark of which of the following theories? 

Group of answer choices

Noble savage


Tabula rasa




Natural selection


5. Which theorist put forth the idea that children are “blank slates” which require adult interaction to “write” on these slates to ensure that children become functional members of society?

G. Stanley Hall


Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Charles Darwin


John Locke


6. Sondra is a toddler. She experiences toilet training as stressful as she learns to cope with new social demands put on her by her parents. Freud would say Sondra is in which of the psychosexual stages?

Group of answer choices

Anal stage


Latent period


Oral stage


Phallic stage


7. Andrew is a young infant. His parents notice that one of his favorite things to do is put things in his mouth to discover how they feel and taste (much to their chagrin!). Freud would say Andrew is in which of the following stages?

Group of answer choices

Anal stage


Oral stage


Latent period


Phallic stage


8. This theorist was the first known school psychologist, and was also the first to assert the idea that children develop in stages instead of age: 

Group of answer choices

Arnold Gesell


G. Stanley Hall


Sigmund Freud


Alfred Binet


9. These theorists used their studies of animal behavior to better understand the human behavior of attachment and mating behavior, earning a Nobel Prize for their work in 1973: 

Group of answer choices

Lorenz and Tinbergen


Watson and Bandura


Piaget and Vygotsky


Watson and Rainer


10. This “theory” is better known as a collection of theories that all describe aspects of children’s learning as similar to that of a computer, in that development increases mental efficiency, expands capacity for memory, and undergoes continuous change: 

Group of answer choices

Information processing




Ecological systems


Sociocultural perspective