Answered step-by-step
Introduction This week we will focus on Designing Health Campaigns…


This week we will focus on Designing Health Campaigns



Throughout the semester we have looked at various health campaigns in multiple contexts. Last week in chapters 13 and 14 of duPre we studied the seven steps to designing and implementing a health campaign and evaluated the application of theory to message design. This week you each will design your own health campaign based on the same topic and scenario.


Scenario The scenario for your campaign is that you, as the spokesperson as well as developer for your campaign, will attempt to persuade vaccine hesitant members of your family/friends or group to which you belong to get the COVID19 vaccine or booster or for parents to vaccinate their children.  Especially with the vaccine hesitant, research shows they are most likely to be persuaded by a member of their own community or someone they respect.

Imagine that you work for a healthcare employer and your supervisor asked your team to each write their own proposal for an individualized campaign to persuade a particular small group of vaccine hesitant people to  vaccinate themselves or their children.  The employer requires all proposals to be written in the same format so they can be easily compared.


Note:  If you choose parents as your audience,  you are directing the message to the parents not the child.


Seven Steps to Writing a Healthcare Campaign

This document,

Spr 23 Seven Steps to Writing a Health Campaign

will give you instructions under each step as to what to write for that step of your campaign. You can refer back to your duPre textbook chapters 13 and 14 to review the steps. What you write in the seven steps will become the body of your final campaign paper. The outline for your final campaign paper is in a document below.  

You will be writing SMART Goals in the body of your paper.  Here are some articles to help you write SMART Goals:

MNDept of Health SMART Goals
How to Write SMART Goals

Final Health Campaign Paper Format with Labels

This document will give you the outline format with labels to follow for writing your final health campaign paper that you will submit to the dropbox by 11:59pm Apr 8.   References are required to be in APA format.  You may write this paper in the first person.  This is an upper division course and so upper division clear and concise writing skills are expected. Have someone else help you read and edit your paper before submitting it. You can use the Metro state online writing center for help with writing your paper as well.  I will follow this outline format as well as the seven steps document above as a rubric to assess the quality of content and writing style of the paper. 

Spr 23 Final Health Campaign Paper Outline Format with Labels

Length of paper 18 pages double-spaced, Calibri 11 font, not including title page or references