Answered step-by-step
12. The proportion of young adults aged 18-29 who report having had…

12. The proportion of young adults aged 18-29 who report having had no sexual experience whatsoever rose from ____% in 2008 to _____in 2018.

A. 5; 14

B. 6; 21

C. 8; 23

D. 10; 25


13. Which of the following, if any, is NOT among the possible explanations for the recent changes in sexual behavior among young adults resulting in the new “sexual recession”?

A. Young people are pairing up less

B. Attitudes toward masturbation and pornography are more liberal

C. Dating apps may actually discourage approaching others in person

D. Women are turning away from heterosexual relationships


17. Which of the following, if any, is among evidence that men will sacrifice more of their resources (e.g., money) to have sex than will women?

A. Prostitution caters virtually exclusively to men

B. Pornography consumers are primarily men

C. Men give more lavish gifts to women, even if they have less money to spend than female partner

D. Men will risk careers, marriages, and freedom to have sex

E. All of the above are correct


26. What is the “marriage squeeze”?

A. A situation that results when the birth rate is either decreasing or increasing.

B. A situation that results in a society when too many people marrying

C. A situation that results in a society when too few people are marrying

D. None of the above is correct.


42. In short-term mating contexts, women’s mate preferences become more stringent, while men’s become more relaxed. Why?

A. Women are trading a valuable reproductive resource and require adequate “compensation.”

B. Men are not investing very much in any given mating opportunity, so they can “afford” to relax their requirements and possibly still benefit.

C. Ancestral women who conceived children by a man of high genetic quality in a brief affair could benefit by also having a long-term mate who was a good parent and provider.

D. All of the above answers are correct.


55. Why is it likely that monogamy evolved to serve the interests of men, not women?

A. Because men would then be more certain of paternity

B. Because monogamy lowers the chance of violence and warfare

C. Because in polygynous societies large numbers of men are unable to marry at all

D. None of the above is true


56. Which of the following is NOT a reason why marriage may increase paternity certainty (and therefore reproductive success) in men?

A. Because the man can learn over time to interpret possible signals of infidelity in his wife

B. Because the chances of having sex during ovulation are greatly increased

C. Traditions of loyalty and fidelity decrease the chances of extra-marital pregnancy

D. Women grow more attached to their husbands over time and are less likely to have extra-marital affairs


61. True or False: the “double-shot” hypothesis has not been supported in research.

A. True 



63. What is the most prominent emotional response once a suspicion of infidelity has been shown to be true?

A. Fear

B. Rage and hatred toward rival

C. Sadness

D. Reduced feelings of love toward partner