Answered step-by-step
1. T or F? Many cognitive biases serve important emotional and…

1. T or F? Many cognitive biases serve important emotional and psychological functions for people.


5. The theory of evolutionary psychology asserts that “I do X because my ancestors who did X ___________ than those who didn’t.”

A.   survived and reproduced more

B.   farmed more crops 

C.   matured more quickly

D.   slept more hours


24. Dumping a bucket of cold water on your husband while he’s in the shower best illustrates the principle of

A.   positive reinforcement.

B.   negative reinforcement.

C.   positive punishment.

D.   negative punishment.


26. Since money in and of itself is not intrinsically rewarding, it is best to think of it as a

A.   primary reinforcer.

B.   secondary reinforcer.

C.   immediate reinforcer.

D.   delayed reinforcer.


27. ___________ of the phenotypic variability we see in happiness is due to variability in people’s genotypes.

A.   10%

B.   30%

C.   60%

D.   100%


28. The mechanism of action of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors in the brain is to

A.   bind to the same receptors as the monoamine neurotransmitters.

B.   block the reuptake of the monoamine neurotransmitters.

C.   prevent the breakdown of the monoamine neurotransmitters in the synapse.

D.   block the reuptake of serotonin (and sometimes norepinephrine).


29. All of the following are factors included in the operational definition of happiness (aka subjective well-being) EXCEPT

A.   high positive affect.

B.   low negative affect.

C.   high life satisfaction.

D.   high affect stability.     


32. T or F? Whether or not a stimulus is experienced as stressful depends mostly on one’s perception of that stimulus.


 33. Cortisol is a stress hormone that serves to

A.   enhance the activity of the immune system.

B.   trigger increased heart rate, blood glucose, and muscle tension.

C.   kill pain and decrease inflammation.

D.   increase the production of testosterone from the gonads.


36. The most important feature determining the success of any general coping strategy is that it be

A.   problem-focused.

B.   emotion-focused.

C.   active.

D.   flexible.


39. Studies show that we are particularly attracted to people whose regard for us is on the rise. This phenomenon is called

A.   the halo effect.

B.   the placebo effect.

C.   the gain effect.

D.   the loss effect.


42. T or F? Species in which males and females contribute roughly equal amounts of parental investment exhibit large biologically-based sex differences.


 43. The inheritance of either XX or XY chromosomes specifically refers to

A.   genotypic sex.

B.   phenotypic sex.

C.   gender identification.

D.   brain sex.


44. One major cause of discrepancies we might see between genotypic sex and brain sex is that

A.   during infancy the baby was not fed with pure breast milk.

B.   during fetal development the immature testes did not produce enough testosterone to fully masculinize the brain.

C.   during adolescence there was dendritic pruning of neurons connecting the pituitary gland to the maturing testes.

D.   during childhood the youngster did not receive enough positive reinforcement for acting in gender-appropriate ways by peers and parents.


48. The irrational and chaotic nature of dreams can be partly explained by inhibition of the ____________ that occurs during dreaming.

A.   hippocampus

B.   striatum

C.   dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC)

D.   inferior olive


50. T or F? The locus coeruleus regulates transitions between REM and NREM sleep.