Me.me1Directions:  Read the following scenarios carefully.  Determine…Directions:  Read the following scenarios carefully.  Determine if it is an example of operant or classical conditioning.  Then, if it is classical conditioning, identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR.  If it is operant conditioning, identify if it is positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment or negative punishment.(Must complete All parts for credit.)Karen goes to the gym four days a week to alleviate her stress.Every time she opens the garage door, Julie’s dogs begin to salivate uncontrollably because that is where their food is kept.When Thomas was caught writing on the wall with his markers, his markers were taken away from him.When Abdul came home with all A’s and B’s on his report card, he was given $20.When pairing a red light with a female pigeon, a male pigeon becomes sexually aroused.  Eventually, the red light alone will cause the arousal.Little Albert cries at the sight of Santa Clause because he learned that white, fuzzy things scare him when they were paired with a loud noise in the lab.When little Mary throws her food on the floor she receives a slap to her hand and a firm, “No!”Dwight wants a mint every time he hears Jim turn on his computer.Pavlov was able to condition dogs to salivate to the sound of bell.  Food alone will cause dogs to salivate, but when the food was paired with a bell, eventually, the bell alone would cause salivating.A very bright (mildly painful) light is turned on a rat. The rat has learned that he can turn off the light by pressing a lever on the other side of his cage. As soon as the light comes on, the rat suns across the room and presses the lever.When a mother strokes her infant’s skin, the stroking creates pleasure responses in the baby. After this goes on for many days, the baby begins to show pleasure responses simply at the sight of the mother (before even being touched).A patient in a mental hospital is very disruptive at mealtimes. She grabs food from the plates of those sitting near her and tries to cram the food in her mouth. Because this behavior of stealing food is very undesirable, a plan is developed whereby every time the patient steals food from other plates, she is immediately taken to a room without food.Johnny has gotten into a habit of yelling “Bye, Mom” and then slamming the door very loudly in his hurry to leave for school in the morning. The door slam causes his mother to flinch. After several days of procedure, Johnny’s mother begins to flinch at the sound of her son’s words, “Bye, Mom.”Fred leaves his clothes and toys all over his room. It seems that the only time he cleans up his room is when his mother yells at him. When she yells at him, Fred picks up his clothes and puts away his toys.Social SciencePsychology