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Memory Assignment   For each of the following, identify the memory…

Memory Assignment

 For each of the following, identify the memory term being referenced and provide an explanation (2 to 3 sentences) of how it illustrates that particular term (1 point each).  Your explanation NEEDS to include a definition of the term/concept (in your OWN words) and then an explanation of how the statement illustrates that definition and fits with the memory term that you chose (MINIMUM of two sentences) (Just not write too short).  

“I can remember the items on my shopping list by imagining each one in a different room in my house.”
“Cynthia was physically abused by her uncle when she was 8 years old.  She is now 30 years old and doesn’t remember anything about the abuse.”
“After the surgery on his brain, H.M. was unable to form any new memories.  New people and new places were always new to him.”
“I know that London is the capital of England.”
“I do best on multiple choice tests”
Professor Immel says “I can remember being in a high chair when I was under the age of 3 but I can’t remember anything earlier than that.”
This explains why the word NURSE is recognized more quickly following the word DOCTOR than following the word BREAD.
“I can vividly remember the events of September 11, 2001.  Even today I can still picture in my mind those towers crashing down.”
“Mr. Bush demands to go either first or last during tonight’s remarks.”
Raw information from the senses stays here for less than a second.
Because everything on the list had to do with your ___________ of sleep, some of you constructed the memory of me reading the word sleep.
The experience of feeling confident that one knows an answer, yet being unable to produce the word.  For example in a conversation or writing most people have had the occasional experience of trying but failing to retrieve someone’s name or a word from memory.
This has a capacity of 7+/-  2 items.
“I just moved and I can’t remember my new phone number because it keeps getting mixed up with my old phone number.”
Remembering to do things in the future such as remembering to reply to an email or remembering to return a rented movie.
When you represent stimuli as a sequence of sounds, you are using this.
“If you study with the TV or stereo on, then you also want to take the test with the TV or the radio on.”
“I am the boss of working memory.  I allocate data to the two subsystems.”
“I can remember your phone number by grouping the individual digits into 920-832-1936.”
This is our awareness of the functioning of our memory and it becomes more sophisticated as we develop.

Bonus (1 point each):  Choose 2 memory terms that were not used in the examples above and write your own examples to illustrate these terms (in addition, you will need to provide an explanation of how your example illustrates the term—2 to 3 sentences each).