PresidentMoon12966Need a response on how you would answer this discussion question…Need a response on how you would answer this discussion question from a classmate Neuropsychology asses’ problems with attention, memory, and language by looking at the brain and how it functions. Looking at someone’s face activates many areas of our brain. This is called distribute representation, this occurs cognitively but the perception of looking at one thing or remembering/ thinking of a certain thing. Distributed neural representation happens when the process of remembering and thinking are widely separated in areas of the brain. We can take a look at memories. As we all know memories are complication because they can be short term and last no longer than 15 seconds or they can be long term and they can be stored in your brain for quite a while. There is evidence from our reading that short term and ling memories are served by different areas of the brain. Each are of the brain correlates, but also is vastly different (Goldstein, 2018).Memories differ as well because we can spate them from Episodic and Semantic. Episodic memories are memories for events that have occurred in an individual’s life. Whereas Semantic memories are more facts, like knowing a math problem, etc. Thinking about episodic and semantic memories activate different parts of the brain as well  (Goldstein, 2018).Some areas of the brain play more important roles than the others due to forming new ,memories and being able to retrieve old ones Memories can be visual , auditory, or even triggered by the smell of the air. Most memories that we have are a combination of visual, auditory, and sense of smell which then creates a blend of neural activity through the brain even though they might be at different parts of the brain. In able to understand the producing of language, we have to look at Broca and Wernickes work. According to them, there are two parts of the brain. One of them produces speech and the other comprehends it. In addition to proposing an area for speech comprehension, Wernicke also suggested that language goes beyond isolated regions to include connections between them, and to other areas as well  (Goldstein, 2018).Causing harm to these areas of the brain can cause damage to individuals understanding language. The language system is organized into two sets of pathways. Which they are involved with processing sounds, production of speech, and saying words. Which is involved in understanding words. Both sets of pathways are also involved in understanding sentences. There is no question that the representation of language is distributed throughout many areas. Perceiving faces, remembering, and language have a lot of thing in common. They involve individual’s experiences that activate many separate areas of the brain, but are also connected and working together. This helps us understand the psychosocial of cognition that involves the brain and the neural networks (Goldstein, 2018). ReferencesGoldstein, Bruce E (2018). Chapter 5. In (Ed.), COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience (5th ed.). Cengage. SciencePsychology