LieutenantDuckMaster771Case #2: The Case of Joe Joe arrives at your office for his first…Case #2: The Case of JoeJoe arrives at your office for his first session. He is exactly on time. He is very neatly but casually dressed, in fact it looks like his blue jeans have been pressed. He is a 27 year old  African American married electrician who complains of dizziness, sweating palms, heart palpitations, and ringing of the ears of more than 18 months duration. He complains of extreme muscle tension and constantly feeling “edgy” and having difficulty concentrating. These feelings have been present most of the time over the previous 2 years; they have not been limited to  discrete periods. “I’m just a nervous guy, I guess.” Although these symptoms sometimes make him feel “discouraged” he denies feeling depressed and continues to enjoy activities with his family. “But I do worry about the kids a lot. I’m always afraid my wife may not be watching  them closely enough and one of the younger ones will get hurt. Or you hear about kids getting  kidnapped sometimes right off the street.” Joe is also concerned about whether he’s a good father  and husband and is sometimes worried his wife will leave him, although she has not given any  indication of being dissatisfied with the marriage. He is concerned about the health of his parents, who are getting older but who do not have any serious health problems. “My wife keeps telling me to stop worrying.” His worries keep him around the house most of the time when he isn’t at work, and sometimes he gets so “edgy” he’ll leave work early. Despite this, he usually performs well at his job but reports that his boss gets mad at him sometimes because he always wants to make sure everything he does is “perfect” and checks and rechecks things just to make sure. “He keeps telling me I’d get a lot more done if I’d quit trying to do everything right all the time but that’s just the way I am. I’ve always been like that. My wife gets mad sometimes too because I like everything organized  around the house. I am always finding things out of order in the kitchen drawers and have to put everything back exactly where it belongs. Same with the kids’ toys. I put up shelves and have pictures at each place where each toy goes but the kids never seem to put them back where they  belong.” You notice that when you set up the next appointment with him he puts the time in three places: his I-Phone, a small notebook, and on the back of your business card. He also straightens a picture on your wall as he leaves.  Please provide correct diagnosis.  There is more than one correct answer. Case #2: Joe Principle Diagnosis a) _____300.3 (F42) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with fair insight b) _____293.83 (F06.32) Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition with major depressive-like episode c) _____301.50 (F60.4) Histrionic Personality Disorder d) _____300.02 (F41.1) Generalized Anxiety Disorder  Social SciencePsychology