Answered step-by-step
1. As a freshmen, Mirabella won a spot on the gymnastics team at…

1. As a freshmen, Mirabella won a spot on the gymnastics team at Penn State.  In her junior year, she hopes to try out for and win a spot as an alternate on the USA Olympic Gymnastics team.  She knows gymnastics is very competitive, so she would be ecstatic and proud just to be an alternate on the team.  Mirabella thinks that winning an alternate spot would garner her more attention from coaches and even possible sponsorships.  Mirabella’s perceptions of attention and sponsorships represents which of Mischel’s cognitive-affective units?

Group of answer choices

affective responses

goals, values, and plans

competencies and self-regulation

expectancies and beliefs

2. Which of the following is TRUE about the inheritability of masculinity and femininity?

Group of answer choices

Masculinity and femininity are caused mostly by genes

Femininity is inherited, while masculinity is caused by the situation

Situational influences on masculinity and femininity range from 52% – 80%

Masculinity in inherited, while femininity is caused by the situation

3. Compared to traditional couples in which the mother spends more time caregiving, when fathers engage in the same amount of child caregiving as mothers, _____________________.

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both sons and daughters are higher in femininity

both sons and daughters are higher in masculinity

sons are higher in femininity and daughters are higher in masculinity

4. Michael (5-years old) was at a toy store with his mother. He picked up a golf club and asked his mother to purchase it.  When his mother asked why he wanted the golf club, Michael replied “I want to play golf like my daddy.”  Which theory best explains why Michael selected a masculine toy?

Group of answer choices

Biological Theory

Social Learning Theory

Social Role Theory

Evolutionary Theory

5. On the HEXACO, men and women show the largest difference on the trait ___________________.

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Openness to Experience



6. An individual who describes the self as genderqueer is conveying their ________________________.

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gender identity

sexual attraction

biological sex

gender expression

7. Compared to androgynous couples, couples in which both partners fit traditional gender roles (i.e., the man is masculine and the woman is feminine) tend to be

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More stereotypical at the beginning of the relationship

Lower in marital satisfaction

Higher in marital satisfaction

Less stereotypical when both partners behave naturally

8. Which of the following is the correct equation to determine your androgyny score?

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Masculinity * Femininity

Masculinity – Femininity

Masculinity / Femininity

Masculinity + Femininity

9. Which of the following traits is NOT associated with Bem’s measure of masculinity?

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Openness to Experience


10. According to evolutionary theory, men are higher in ________ than women because they experience the adaptive problem of ____________________.

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Neuroticism; gaining commitment from one’s partner

Extraversion; paternity uncertainty

Conscientiousness; providing shelter

Agreeableness; finding food

11. Which of the following is TRUE about genetic influences on masculinity and femininity?

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20-48% of masculinity and femininity are inherited.

70-99% of masculinity and femininity are inherited.

Masculinity and femininity are not inherited, but due to situational influences

Masculinity is inherited, while femininity is due to situational influences.

12. Which theory suggests that boys and girls develop their gender identity by modeling same-sex parents and siblings?

Group of answer choices

social role theory

social learning theory

biological theories

evolutionary theory