Answered step-by-step
Below is a paragraph with a few APA style errors in it. Your job is…

Below is a paragraph with a few APA style errors in it. Your job is to try to spot as many 
errors as you can!
On social media, people tend to present an idealized image of themselves and share 
the primary positive aspects of their lives and not the negative aspects (Alfasi and all, 2019). 
Social media tends to distort the reality for others- when people see that a person is only 
posting pictures of happy, successful, and enjoyable moments, they assume that there is no 
pain, suffering, failures, or problems that take place in the day-to-day lives of those they see 
posting such positive images (Alfasi). According to Smith & Johnson (22), These picturesque 
representations of others tend to arouse negative thoughts that something is going wrong in 
our own lives. This can cause many emotions like shame and envy to trigger after seeing the 
positive aspects of others thus, comparing it to a person’s own reality (Alfasi et all, 2019, p. 
Find at least three APA style errors in the paragraph above, and provide a correction for that 
a. Error 1: 
i. Correction: 
b. Error 2: 
i. Correction: 
c. Error 3: 
i. Correction:



2. Now, create a reference (like you would write in a reference page) for the article you read in 
your assignment # 3 (A Picture’s Worth) Note that the doi for this article is:
3. Correct the following three references – type in the correct format below each incorrect 
reference. Please write your corrected reference in a different color than black (any color is 
Mercier H., and Sperber D. Why do humans reason? Arguments for an argumentative theory. 
(2011). Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 34, pages. 57-74. DOI: 
Blakemore S. J., & Mills K. L. (2014). Is adolescence a sensitive period for sociocultural 
processing? Annual Review of Psychology, 187-207, 65,.
Bowker, Amy. (2004). Predicting Friendship Stability During Early Adolescence. The Journal of 
Early Adolescence, 24(2), pp. 85-112.
4. Let’s say you wanted to cite the Bowker article from question 3 above. Pretend that you wrote 
the following sentence about the paper, now give me the correct parenthetical in-text citation for 
this journal article (remember, parenthetical references go at the end of the sentence in 
Researchers discuss how limiting social media use can decrease feelings of loneliness and 
5. Now, let’s say you wanted to cite the Mercier article from question 3 above. Pretend that you 
wrote the following sentence about the paper, now give me the correct in-text citation within the 
sentence (not a parenthetical reference, write the reference in the actual sentence. You may edit 
the sentence accordingly). 
Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) can cause people to experience undesirable feelings
6. Now, pretend that you were including the following direct quote from a research paper by 
Benjamin S. Appleberry, Samantha L. Langue, and Dennis H. Grant in 2007. The journal article 
is titled, “Alcohol Placebos Influence the Misinformation Effect”, and you found the quote on 
page 198.



“Subjects were told that the experiment was about alcohol’s influence on preferred learning 
modes (visual and verbal)” 
7. make a reference page for the three references you corrected in question 3. Imagine that they 
are the only three articles that you cited in your paper. Make sure you include the corrected 
version of the references.