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Discuss your insider/outsider relationship to the cultural…

Discuss your insider/outsider relationship to the cultural expression your peer has shared.

Peer one below.

One subgroup that I identify with is being a rock music fan. Growing up, I lived on a farm in rural area. Many of the friends that I had or people that I were around preferred country music. I developed this preference for rock music at a young age and began attending concerts. Rock concerts, in my experience are a little more unique as there is a high likelihood of a mosh pit or circle pit to breakout in close proximity to the stage. There also seems to be a common theme in style with a lot of black clothing or what people consider gothic clothing.

            As an insider and knowing several friends who identify with the rock music group, the laid back jeans and t-shirt style or preference for black clothing is appealing for different reasons and as a form of expression. The music genre can be somewhat broad but the fast paced double base (base drum with two pedals to achieve a fast tempo beat), frequent electric guitar solos and occasional screaming of lyrics in the songs are felt to be freeing. It can also help release energy through creative and energetic musical expression or people identify with messages conveyed through lyrics in songs.

            An outside person may experience this culture as loud, rebellious, moody, or angry. They may also perceive the loud, fast paced rhythm, lyrics or screaming as chaotic and aggressive and not understand the level of skill and musicality involved in guitar and drum solos. Many may also perceive mosh pits as extremely violent and dangerous and miss understand the somewhat unwritten rules or etiquette involved in mosh pits at concerts.


Peer two below.

The subculture that I identify with is single moms. Single moms are resourceful, strong multitaskers who have to fulfill both the mom and dad roles.

As an insider we are everything to our children because we are all they have even though we epitomize “it takes a village” and have great support systems. Single mothers are discipline and cuddle-hard but we that we must do both to raise great kids. 

Outsiders experience single moms as lazy, needy, tired, uneducated and financially insecure. They see single moms as a liability to their children. And the children of single mothers are academically behind and behave badly.  

Adopting both insider and outsider perspectives helps me to understand why single moms have gotten a bad rap. Society has put a stigma on being a single mom. It looked down upon and not recommended as a choice.  But believe it or not there are moms that choose to be single mothers-stigma and all. We work hard to provide for our children and make them proud. Our children are smart and well rounded and adjusted. knowing both of these perspectives hep me appreciate that I have a choice to decide how I want to parent and if I want to do it with someone else. 


And one question below different from above. 

Are there any subgroups within the EDM culture? If so, what differentiates them?