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RURAL OBESITY INTERVENTION You are leading a team that includes the…


You are leading a team that includes the Tennessee Department of Health and Vanderbilt University on a CDC-funded effort to reduce obesity among rural youth in the state of Tennessee. You have four (grant) years to achieve results.
According to State Health Department figures, obesity levels have always been somewhat high in rural counties, but in recent years they have even been higher, together with corresponding increases in diabetes and heart disease.
Most public high schools in these areas require only one year of physical education classes. Middle schools have not emphasized this either, with students being able to opt out for various reasons. In addition, most middle and high schools only have part-time school nurses, and very little budget for health education activities.
Income levels are generally low in the target rural areas, with jobs primarily in mining (mountain counties), agriculture, and low-paid assembly work. Unemployment is higher among men than women. There are few jobs for youth. The primary centers for youth social and physical activities are through churches.
Surveys and focus groups previously done by Vanderbilt University show the following: A large percentage of people eat fast food at least three times per week. 65% of people who had a body mass index of over 30 did not consider themselves “obese” or at any particular health risk. A “stout body” was viewed as normal, even an indication of “not being hungry.” Eating was also viewed as a major element of social gatherings, and these gatherings featured “meat and potatoes” fare (e.g., ham, potato casserole, sweet potato pie, etc.). These attitudes crossed racial/ethnic lines and were common among both Caucasian and African American respondents. In addition, one of the most popular country singers in the area is himself very large.
Previous information campaigns to the general public (“It’s right to eat light…”), using bus posters, public service ads on billboards, and information given out at doctor’s offices, have had little or no impact.

1. Is there any information that corresponds to Phase 1, Social Assessment (the general quality of life, context for the health problem)? What is it?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What information corresponds to Phase 4, Educational/Ecological Assessment (attitudes, norms, predisposing factors, etc.)?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Considering that you have four years to achieve results, and that multilevel interventions are often the most effective, what are three program components you could utilize to achieve your goal of reducing obesity and its health consequences? [NOTE: This question calls for three specific components of an overall health promotion intervention. Base your components on what you determine (from the scenario) to be key contributing factors that need to be addressed—program components should be appropriate for the “ecological level” of the contributing factor they address, and make sure to note if they are intended to affect contributing factors at other levels (as in a multilevel approach).]COMPONENT ONE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________COMPONENT TWO: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________COMPONENT THREE: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. What social/behavioral theories might be applicable to the facts at hand and the intervention you propose?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Considering that you have four years, what could you do (BRIEFLY!) to evaluate the intervention you proposed in Question 3 (include process, impact, and outcome)?PROCESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OUTCOME: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________IMPACT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________