Answered step-by-step
help to write APA FOR THESE SCENARIOS   It has been suggested that…



It has been suggested that pupil size increases during emotional arousal. A researcher would, therefore, like to see whether the increase in pupil size is a function of the type of arousal (pleasant versus aversive). A random sample of five participants is selected for the study. Each participant views all three stimuli: neutral, pleasant, and aversive photographs. The neutral photograph portrays a plain brick building. The pleasant photograph consists of a young man and woman sharing a large ice cream cone. Finally, the aversive stimulus is a graphic photograph of an automobile accident. Upon viewing each stimulus, the pupil size is measured (in millimeters) with sophisticated equipment. The data are as follows. Use it to test whether pupil size varies based on type of arousal. 


Participant  Neutral  Pleasant  Aversive 
A  4  8  3 
B  3  6  3 
C  2  5  2 
D  3  3  6 
E  3  8  4




Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant, state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of  APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document. With post hoc test



The following data were obtained from a research study examining the effect of sleep deprivation on motor skills performance. A sample of five participants was tested on a motor-skills task after 24 hours of sleep deprivation, tested again after 36 hours, and tested once more after 48 hours. The dependent variable is the number of errors made on the motor-skills task, shown below. Use the data to test whether or not the number of hours of sleep deprivation has a significant effect on motor skills performance.


Participant 24 hours 36 hours 48 hours

A 0 1 5

B 0 0 0

C 1 3 5

D 0 1 5

E 4 5 9


Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant, state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document, with post hoc test if there is one.



A psychologist at a private mental health facility was asked to determine whether there was a clear difference

in the length of stay for patients with different categories of diagnosis. Looking at the last seven patients in

each of the three major categories, the results (in terms of weeks of stay) were as follows. Using the data

below, test whether the length of stay for patients vary based on category of diagnosis.

Diagnosis Category

Affective Disorders Cognitive Disorders Drug-related Conditions

7 12 8

6 8 10

5 9 12

6 11 10

9 11 9

5 10 11

6 9 12

Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant,state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document. With post hoc, if there is one.