Answered step-by-step
Option 1:  Explain the difference between  (a) cultural…

Option 1:  Explain the difference between 

(a) cultural relativism and 

(b) moral subjectivism 

Consider a law requiring everyone to be registered as an organ donor unless they opt out.Summarize the four requirements of natural law onto human law and explain whether the four requirements listed above are met for the law and why 

On a hiking trip across the wild plains of a strange place called Texas, you’ve suddenly burst upon two warring tribes: the Aggies and the Longhorns. The Longhorns have recently been routed in a dreadful and ignominious battle. The Aggies have rounded up 44 helpless Longhorn young men and intend to kill them. Amazed to see an outsider in their village, the Aggies offer you an unprecedented honor. You will be allowed to personally kill one member of the Longhorn tribe, selected at random by the Aggies. Once you have performed this act, the Aggies will let the other 43 Longhorns free to return to their villages and their families. Otherwise, the Aggies will slaughter all 44 Longhorns. There is no possible way for you to prevent the slaughter, other than by killing one of the innocent Longhorns.

(a) Applying Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative, what should one do in this situation?  In answering this question, make sure to
consider all three formulations of the Categorical Imperative separately (universalizability, end in self, autonomy).


 Make sure to explain the three formulations in detail as well as apply them.

(b) Applying Aquinas’s Doctrine of Double Effect, what should one do in this situation? In answering this question, make sure to explain and apply the Doctrine of Double Effect. 

(a) Explain Kant’s idea that one has imperfect duties to oneself. Provide examples of how you fulfill this idea in your own life

(b) Explain Aristotle’s ideas of intellectual virtue. Make sure to talk about habits. Provide examples of how you fulfill this idea in your own life

(c) Explain Aristotle’s ideas of moral virtue. Make sure to talk about habits. Provide examples of how you fulfill this idea in your own life

(d) How are Aristotle’s ideas different from Kant’s? 

(e) How have these philosophers impacted how you live your life, if at all?  

Consider the following scenario:Your mom’s birthday is coming up. You have $50 to buy her a present. She has been dropping hints that she really wants a certain piece of jewelry in your price range. However, you have an opportunity to get two tickets to the opera (The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart) for both of you to go together for the same price as the jewelry. Your mom has never been to the opera, and you don’t know whether she would like it. The San Francisco Opera lists this as the best opera of all time. 

(a)        Explain qualitative utilitarianism. What does J.S. Mill mean when he writes, “better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied”? What is the highest quality of happiness for Mill?

(b)       Why would a qualitative utilitarian argue that you should take your mother to the opera?

(c)        Consider the two gift options using Bentham’s Felicity Calculus. Describe the seven variables, define them, and compare the two options based on them. 

 (d)       What do you think you should happen and why?