Answered step-by-step
Question 1  What is the difference between an  algorithm  and…

Question 1 

What is the difference between an algorithm and a heuristic?

Question 1 options:


Hueristics are just one particular kind of algorithm.


Algorithms operate much more quickly than heuristics.


Only a computer can perform an algorithm. Humans always use heuristics.


An algorithm is slow but always gets to the right solution; a heuristic is fast but might reach the wrong solution.


Question 2 

People solving problems sometimes translate the problem into symbols. This helps by:

Question 2 options:


Making is more likely that the problem can be solved with insight.


Simplifying the mental representation of the problem.


Boosting the use of embodied cognition to solve the problem.


Creating a new heuristic to solve the particular problem.


Question 3 

What is the analogy approach in problem solving?

Question 3 options:


Emphasizing the surface features of a problem in order to more quickly solve it.


Ignoring past experience so that it doesn’t interfere with the current problem.


Relying entirely on bottom-up information in order to solve a problem.


Trying to find parallels between the current problem and past problems that have been solved.


Question 4 

A child is asked to solve the Elves and Goblins Problem, but fails because she spends too much time fousing on why the elves and goblins don’t get along. This failure is a result of:

Question 4 options:


functional fixedness.


stereotype threat.


focusing too much on surface features of the problem instead of structural features.


relying too much on the means-ends heuristic.


Question 5 

How can the hill-climbing heuristic lead to ineffective problem solving?

Question 5 options:


This heuristic breaks each problem down into simpler problems, which makes it harder to see the full picture.


Always taking the most direct next step might not form the best path to the long-term goal.


When using this heuristic, about half of the steps are usually in the wrong direction.


Embodied cognition means that the hill-climbing heuristic makes people’s legs too tired to finish solving the problem.


Question 6 

Which is a more efficient way of processing information during problem solving: parallel processing or serial processing?

Question 6 options:


Serial processing is more efficient.


Parallel processing is more efficient.


They are equally efficient.


Neither is efficient.


Question 7 

Which of these is NOT true of experts when problem solving?

Question 7 options:


Experts have a stronger knowledge base about their area than non-experts to use for problem solving.


Experts are better than non-experts even when solving problems in areas unrelated to their expertise.


Experts have better metacognitive awareness of their problem solving abilities than non-experts.


Experts have stronger long-term memory for relevant information than non-experts.


Question 8 

How does stereotype threat affect performance?

Question 8 options:


Stereotype threat is most impactful when the person isn’t aware of the stereotype.


Stereotypes are usually based in fact, so the poor performance is expected.


A person performs worse when they are aware of stereotypes that pertain to them, even if the stereotype is inaccurate.


Stereotype threat only affects people that wouldn’t perform well otherwise.



Question 10 

Which of these best explains a difference between insight problems and non-insight problems?

Question 10 options:


Creativity is central to solving non-insight problems; it’s not clear how creativity would matter for insight problems.


Insight problems are easiest to solve using the hill-climbing heuristic; this heuristic rarely helps when solving non-insight problems.


When solving insight problems, people tend to struggle to make any progress until they suddenly reach a solution; non-insight problems tend to be solved gradually.


Non-insight problems are more easily solved with bottom-up knowledge; insight problems rely entirely on top-down knowledge.