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Stress and Coping Assignment  look at a way to manage and/or cope…

Stress and Coping Assignment

 look at a way to manage and/or cope with your experience of stress. Here is what you will need to do: 

1. Briefly describe a behaviour or situation that causes you stress on a frequent basis. If you select a behaviour, the behaviour must be your behaviour, not another person’s. An example of a behaviour might be procrastination or ruminating about a past event. An example of a situation might be dealing with a difficult relationship, speaking in public or challenges with money. If you are unsure if your selected behaviour or situation fits for this assignment, check with your instructor. 

2. Describe how this behaviour or situation impacts your health both short and long term. Make sure to describe the physiological and psychological impacts. For example, do you experience muscle tension or headaches? Do you tend to withdraw and feel depressed etc. You will be expected to integrate the information you have learned about how stress impacts the body. If you use unhealthy methods to cope with this stress, include that information here. 

3. Select two different management and coping techniques that you feel would most effectively help you address this stress. You can select from any stress management and coping technique listed in your textbook, the course notes or other credible resources. For each technique you have selected, use the Library databases (e.g., PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, etc…) to find articles to prove your selected technique has been scientifically shown to reduce stress. You must use reputable resources (i.e., peer-reviewed scientific journal articles). Wikipedia, personal blogs, commercial websites will NOT be accepted as a credible source of information. Your peer reviewed articles cannot be more than 10 years old. Please review the “Evaluating Sources” information in the “Important Information about this Course” if you are unsure about how to evaluate the legitimacy of a resource. You are required to use at least ONE peer-reviewed journal article for each technique (total two articles). You may use other credible references to support your thoughts as well; however, the main support for your selected technique must come from the articles. 

Try to select techniques that you currently DO NOT use. For example, if you exercise regularly, select a different stress management technique. One goal of this assignment is to develop an awareness of different ways to manage and cope with stress so that you can become more resilient. 

4. Provide a description of each stress management and/or coping technique you selected. This description must include the theoretical basis of why this technique works to reduce stress. You must clearly tie what you have learned about the impact of stress on the mind and body in the course to why your chosen technique works in general and why you feel it will be effective for you specifically. This section of the paper will be the bulk of your assignment.  


5. Discuss how you can realistically implement one of these strategies in your own life. This section should include a discussion of the challenges you might experience when implementing these strategies and how you mange these challenges. 

 . Use the following headings in your assignment:

Description of Behaviour
Health Impacts
Description of selected strategies
Implementation & Challenges