CoachButterfly3951Karlina’s case I am Karlina, I am 20 years old, my boyfriend Bruce…Karlina’s caseI am Karlina, I am 20 years old, my boyfriend Bruce is 19, and we have been together for 4 years now.  I have an emotionally abusive mother who does not let me visit my boyfriend.Bruce and I met in high school and have been doing long-distance while we are in school. Last year, on spring break, he visited me and we had the best week of our lives. That was the first time we had slept together and fully been alone. Our parents are very controlling, traditional, and religious. We are not allowed alone in any room and almost every time we’ve been on a date, our parents come along. We are not even allowed alone in the same car to go anywhere. Anyways, for this spring break, we wanted to visit each other again. Except this time, it was my turn to visit. Without any expectations, I asked my mom back in December if that would be possible. Of course, she threw a tantrum, insulted me, and stormed out of my room. I did not bring it up again so she could have some time to think about it.Fast forward to now, spring break is only a couple of days away. This has been an exhausting couple of days trying to convince my mom to let me visit him. She gave me the ultimatum that if she doesn’t go along with my entire family (dad and brother) that I am not allowed to go. At first, I didn’t think it was too bad of a compromise since I just wanted to see my boyfriend after so many months. However, I told her I wanted some alone time to go on dates. She said I could have one afternoon with him and that if I wanted to go out with him, they would come along. I told her this was unreasonable, and she threw another tantrum, threatened to hang up on me several times, insulted me and called me selfish, and told me to forget about it. Also, she first claimed that we didn’t have enough money for me to go but then suggested my entire family went, so that was clearly a lie. My whole life I’ve been suffocated by this woman, and I can’t believe I still have to deal with her tantrums and emotional abuse. She’s currently spamming my phone with insults, and I just wish she had the emotional intelligence and maturity of a lot of my friends’ moms. I always wonder why I have to deal with this. I have suggested therapy millions of times and she refuses to go while she forced me to go to therapy for like 3 years once a week. I’m rambling at this point. I am not sure what to do. Based on Karlina’s story, would you suggest using a psychoanalytic approach?  Yes or No?  Why?  Please explain by referring to the key concept and therapeutic goal of the psychoanalytic approach.  (5 Marks). Some people think Choice theory/Reality therapy may be more suitable for Karlina, based on the basic philosophy, and key concepts that explain how Choice theory/Reality Therapy can help Karlina. (5 Marks) Social SciencePsychology