Answered step-by-step
1. How is fantasy play related to executive function in children?…

1. How is fantasy play related to executive function in children?

Fantasy play has been associated with increased cognitive flexibility and working memory


Children who engage in fantasy play have increased friendships with other children


Fantasy play influences the development of sociometry in the executive brain functions


Children who engage in fantasy play have a decreased rejection sensitivity in executive function

2. Chan received a lot of “like most” votes from his school peers. He did not receive many of the “like least” votes. According to sociometry, Chan would be classified as which type of child?








3. Technology-only harassment is more likely to be long-term and involve people you know.





4. Children understand that they can have a different belief from another person even about the same thing according to theory of mind.




5. Alicia, Kathryn, Aaliyah, and Pru all hang out together throughout the day at school. Most weekends they can be found together as well. They are so close that they have one end of a lunch table in the cafeteria that they always sit at. Which does this demonstrate?








6. What impact does using discovery learning in preschool have on children?

Discovery learning in preschools promotes direct instruction for children


Children in preschools with discovery learning have a decreased curiosity


Discovery learning in preschools allows for less exploration of surroundings


Children in preschools with discovery learning have increased curiosity


7. What has been the impact of zero-tolerance programs on the problem of bullying?

There is no evidence that zero-tolerance programs have decreased the incidents of bullying


Evidence is overwhelming that zero-tolerance programs decrease bullying incidents


There is a moderate amount of evidence that zero-tolerance programs decrease bullying incidents


There is some evidence that zero-tolerance programs increase bullying incidents

8. In middle childhood, children cannot understand how two people can interpret the same situation differently.




9 .Children become more attentive in class the longer they go without a break.




10. What impact has the public expression of love on social media had on romantic relationships in adolescence?

Social media, through public expressions of love, has made most teens feel more secure in their relationships


Social media and public expressions of love have influenced teens to date more often and change partners frequently


Public expressions of love on social media by adolescents constitutes belonging to a clique for adolescents


Public expressions of love on social media has made many teens feel public scrutiny of their relationships

11. Aggressive repeated behavior that is meant to cause harm using physical, verbal, or emotional means is which concept?

school violence


dating violence





12. Delia’s mother keeps her ponytail holders in a small jar that used to hold candy. When Delia’s friend Olivia comes over, Delia knows that she will think that candies instead of ponytail holders will be in the jar. Delia understands which concept?

guided play


false belief




knowledge access

13. Which term is defined as a mutual relationship?

unoccupied behavior


social status





14. Many of the friendships that unpopular children have tend to be less supportive and less engaging than their peers.




15. What impact does similarity have on friendships in adolescence?

Adolescent friendships are based on similarities which also increase in time due to mutual influence


Similarity inside a friendship increases the gender segregation found in adolescent friendships


Similarities among friends decreases rejection sensitivity in adolescent friendships


Adolescent friendships consist of onlookers and defenders not on similarities