Answered step-by-step
1. In a categorical perception study, listeners were given phonemes…

1. In a categorical perception study, listeners were given phonemes with voicing varied from 0 ms up to 80 ms for “ta” and “da.” At 0 ms, listeners heard the sound as “da,” and at 80 ms, listeners heard the sound as “ta.” What happens with listeners hear intermediate voicings were presented (e.g., 20-, 40-, and 60-ms voice-onset times)? Listeners ______.

a. were inconsistent about whether they heard “ta” or “da” between 20-ms and 60-ms voice onset time

b. Switched from hearing one sound to the other at around 35-ms voice onset time

c. continued to hear whatever sound that they heard first

d. reported that the intermediate voicing sounded like “ga”


2. The difference between the phonemes /b/, /d/, and /g/ are caused by

a. place of articulation

b. height and curvature of the tongue

c. voice onset time

d. manner of articulation


3. Mai uses a hearing aid. Mai struggles to understand people who are speaking Vietnamese because her hearing aid does a relatively poor job of conveying ______.

a. pitch differences in phonemes

b. localization of sound

c. sentence structure

d. word segmentation


4. To determine if the person you are listening to has just said, “Resisting arrest” or “Resisting a rest,” you must know ______.

a. whether the sentences are voiced or not

b. how to apply top-down processing to the situation

c. the use of the phoneme restoration effect

d. the schedule of coarticulation


5. An experimenter uses a computer to delete or mask the first letter in the word meal, so people hear “It was found that the *eel was on the table.” The experimenter asks them what they just heard. The result is that the participants report ______.

a. hearing the masked sound correctly, even though it is not actually present

b. hearing an unvoiced consonant in place of the masked sound

c. noticing that a sound is missing but are able to correctly infer what that sound is

d. being unable to understand the word that has one of its sounds masked



6. You are watching someone on video. That person’s lips are making the movement for the sound /ga-fg/, but the sound that is played is /ba-ba/.The typical finding is that 


a. the visual and the auditory perceptions interfere, rendering the stimuli incomprehensible

b. the visual stimuli, that is, the moving mouth, influences what people report hearing

c. in speech perception, the auditory mode is dominant, and speech perception is strictly a product of what is heard

d. Any of the above could happen in the McGurk effect.


7. Damage to the left _______ will cause the person to show speech production problems. 

a. frontal

b. temporal

c. parietal

d. occipital


8. Voicing onset time experiments show that people hear a continuous change in VOT between a voiced and voiceless consonant.

True or False


9. When people are exposed to speech sounds that do not match the mouth movements they see in a video, they nevertheless report seeing mouth movements that are consistent with the sounds they heard.

True or False


10. The perception of gaps between the words when familiar languages are spoken is a bottom-up effect because of enhanced auditory sensitivity. 

True or False


11. In the phonemic restoration effect, participants hear sounds that are m white noise, but context causes people to believe they have actually heard the missing sound.

True or False


12. Broca’s area is an important area in speech comprehension.

True or False