Answered step-by-step
15. The biggest threat to internal validity when a counterbalanced…

15. The biggest threat to internal validity when a counterbalanced design is used is:


A. multiple treatment interference.

B. regression.

C. selection.

D. testing (practice effects).


16. A researcher notices that the participants assigned to the experimental group were less likely to attend the second session in his experiment than those in the control group. The researcher is concerned that which of the following might represent a potential threat to the internal validity of her study?


A. attrition

B. history

C. Instrumentation

D. maturation


17. When there is communication between the groups in a true experiment or in a quasi-experiment, which of the following threats to internal validity could occur?


A. Contamination effects

B. Demand characteristics

C. Hawthorne effects

D. Regression effects


18. Which type of experimenter effects occur when experimenters have tried out the experiment on themselves, and their responses to the experiment are later unintentionally communicated to their subjects, causing the subjects to behave or respond similarly to the behavior or responses of their particular experimenter?


A. Biosocial effects

B. Modeling effects

C. Psychosocial effects

D. Situational effects


19. A researcher is looking at the effect of drinking alcohol on the ability to play darts. Half of the participants drink a pint of beer, while the other half drink a pint of water. All participants throw three darts at a dartboard and have the score recorded. How is this experiment best summarized?


A. Between-groups design. Independent variable is the three dart score. Dependent variable is the amount of alcohol drunk.


B. Within-groups design. Independent variable is the three dart score. Dependent variable is the amount of alcohol drunk.


C. Within-groups design. Independent variable is the amount of alcohol drunk. Dependent variable is the three dart score.


D. Between-groups design. Independent variable is the amount of alcohol drunk. Dependent variable is the three dart score.


20. A researcher becomes aware that the judges he is using to make observations are becoming more proficient at their task. This improvement among the judges might suggest a potential threat to the internal validity of the study. What is the source of this threat?


A. history

B. instrumentation

C. maturation

D. selection


21. According to the Integrity domain of APA’s Code of Ethics, when deception is used in a research study, psychologists are responsible for which of the following? 


A. conducting oneself professionally during the deception

B. correcting any resulting mistrust or other harmful effects that arise

C. promising that the results of the study will remain confidential

D. None of the above; deception should never be used


22. Which of the following is NOT a type of research design?


A. correlational

B. descriptive

C. experimental

D. questionnaire


23. A sample size that is too large is problematic because:


A. It is unlikely that a difference between the hypothesized effect and true effect will be found, even if there is one (i.e., study is underpowered).

B. It is likely that even a very small, non-meaningful difference between the hypothesized effect and true effect will be found (i.e., study is overpowered).

C. It is more likely that the statistical test will result in a false negative.

D. It is more likely that the sample will NOT be representative of the corresponding population.


24. Which of the following is NOT a source for sampling bias?


A. Non-response

B. Sampling error

C. Under-coverage

D. Voluntary response


25. The general plan for selecting participants, assigning participants to experimental conditions, controlling extraneous variables, and gathering data is known as the:


A. hypothesis

B. literature review

C. research design

D. theory