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I need help to develop an assessment plan for diagnosing and…

I need help to develop an assessment plan for diagnosing and monitoring treatment effectiveness for a fictitious client and a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of a mental health intervention program.

Using Mark (age 37, transgender male, identifies as “Caucasian,” precise ancestry unknown, bilingual English- and German-speaking): Mark was referred for a psychological evaluation due to reporting anxiety and increased self-medication with opioids. Mark transitioned from female to male at the age of 25 and reports no concerns related to gender identity. He was prescribed opioid pain medication after breaking his leg 5 years ago when he reportedly tripped and fell down the stairs. The medical report stated his injury was more consistent with being pushed than an accidental fall but Mark insists, “My absentmindedness caused me to not attend to what I should have been attending to and caused me to end up at the bottom of the stairs.” Mark is not concerned about the opioid use; however, he agreed to an evaluation when his partner gave him an ultimatum after finding several prescription bottles for the pain medication with names other than Mark’s. Mark’s weight is within normal limits for his age and height, but his partner insists he should lose ten pounds. Mark routinely exercises 4 or 5 days per week, accompanying his partner to the gym, although he does not enjoy working out.


While using Anxiety Management Skills Treatment group for adults


Part 1

use a list of tests you would recommend for determining an appropriate DSM-5 diagnosis for the client based on information provided in the scenario you selected from List A.
Include a one- to two-sentence justification for each test with an in-text citation to a scholarly source. Your list must include at least one valid, reliable, and culturally appropriate psychological test for each of the following categories:
Intelligence (Individually administered test only)
Achievement (Individually administered test only)
Objective Personality test (Select one of the following: NEO-PI-3, MCMI-IV, MMPI-3 or MMPI-A)
Projective Personality test
At least three additional tests relevant to the client’s specific symptoms (e.g., anxiety, attention, depression, eating disorder, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, traumatic stress)

For Part 2 of this discussion forum

Identify at least one assessment procedure you would recommend as a therapeutic assessment for the scenario you selected from List A.
Include a one- to two-sentence justification for each measure with an in-text citation to a scholarly source. Be specific about the desired outcome of using the assessment as a therapeutic intervention.

For Part 3 of this discussion forum,

Identify at least one test or assessment procedure you would recommend for monitoring treatment effectiveness for the scenario you selected from List A.
Include a two- to three-sentence justification for each measure with an in-text citation to a scholarly source. Be specific about which symptoms you are monitoring and how you will determine the effectiveness of the intervention.

For Part 4,

Identify at least one test or assessment procedure you would recommend to monitor the effectiveness of the program you selected from List B.
Include a two- to three-sentence justification for each measure with an in-text citation to a scholarly source. Be specific about which symptoms you are monitoring and how you will determine the effectiveness of the intervention.

Part 5

Compare the ethical and professional goals and responsibilities in diagnostic assessment, therapeutic assessment, outcomes assessment, and program assessment.