ChiefWaterSalmon13Can you please help me Take the role of Guiza, a counseling intern,…Can you please help me Take the role of Guiza, a counseling intern, assigned to work with Alejandro for the following scenario. And then help answer the following bullet points.Review the information in your textbook on the topics of unethical behavior in a colleague, informed consent, confidentiality and privacy, documentation and keeping records, and ethical issues in a managed care environment. Include each of the following in your initial post, using the headings provided for you in boldface to organize your work.Case scenario:  a one-to-two-paragraph description of a hypothetical case depicting at least one ethical dilemma and at least one legal violation or challenge. Your scenario must incorporate at least two of the topics listed above. Although not required, you are encouraged to create your scenario to address ethical and legal challenges you might encounter in a potential future career.Ethical and legal issues: After describing the case scenario, explicitly identify the ethical and legal concerns. Minimally, cite and reference your textbook and relevant professional ethics codes pertinent to the profession represented in your scenario.Reactive solutions: Next, propose solutions to the ethical and legal dilemmas you identified.Proactive solutions: Develop a risk-management plan consisting of at least two practices to prevent the type of ethical and legal challenges you wrote about.Guiza is a counseling intern who feels deeply committed to her clients. She does not want to impose her views on her clients but is aware that her moral principles are intimately connected to her beliefs. Guiza identifies as a devout Christian. She states she respects other religions but has no experience with any faith other than her own. Her client, Alejandro, tells Guiza that he is depressed most of the time and feels a sense of emptiness. He wonders about the meaning of his life. In Guiza’s assessment of Alejandro, she learns that he grew up without any spiritual guidance and that he recently joined a local Buddhist community that meets to chant and discuss readings. He has never explored another religion. He joined this group by the invitation of a coworker who was friendly and compassionate. Guiza notices she is strongly inclined to suggest that Alejandro at least go to a few Christian church services of different denominations to see if he might find any meaning in doing so.Guiza’s supervisor is agnostic but has some experience working with clients who identify as non-religious/”spiritual,” Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, agnostic, and atheist. The supervisor has not engaged in any extensive study to learn more about various religions but has encouraged clients of different faiths to share what their spirituality means to them. The supervisor recommends Guiza attend some Buddhist community events to learn more about Alejandro’s faith and talk to a religious leader of his faith to obtain relevant and authentic readings and videos.When Guiza consults with a religious leader practicing the same faith as Alejandro, the leader agrees the description of Alejandro’s concerns would be considered outside of the norm in that community and that the leader would recommend counseling for a client with those challenges. However, the religious leader wonders whether Alejandro would receive the best quality of care possible, given Guiza’s lack of expertise with that faith. Guiza documents all the advice from the consultations.Social SciencePsychology