legaltrolThere are four main parenting style which referred to…There are four main parenting style which referred to authoritarian, authoritative, permission, and neglectful that are used in psychology (Baumrind et al., 2021).  Being an authoritative or authoritarian parent can make a different in a child life, by being obedient. According to Belsky, J. (2021) states, “Through research worldwide indicates authoritative parenting is best, although when children are “harder to raise” and parents live in dangerous neighborhoods, child-rearing changes for the worse.” On the other hand, an authoritarian parent can be so strict on the child that it would force the child to eat their dinner out of necessity rather than enjoying the meal. Being an authoritarian parent places high expectation on the child with little responsiveness. Being an authoritarian or authorities parent focus on the obedience, discipline, control rather than nurturing a child. In rigid parenting style uses stern discipline which refer to tough love, being in full control by a parent talking to their children without wanting feedback or input of the child.  Sometime a child might grow up be obedient, well-behave, meeting cognitive and socioemotional development in the child growth. On the flip side being an authoritarian or authorities’ parents toward the child can cause rebellious in the family with conflict.Not to mention, an authoritative parent usually focusses on the human needs over the household rules (Belsky, J. 2021). This suppose to be the best rearing a child style when a parent gives much love and family rules combined. In the understanding preoperational stages, a child perception is captured by the conservation of mass is undeveloped. Sometime the parent may be able to transfer the food that are not eaten on a smaller plate to avoid conflict. In this scenario with the child not wanting to eat would most likely become and game to initiative eat more rather than evoke the child guilt. This will promote secure attachment with the mother and the child, and later promote an environment with a secure attachment.Permissive parents usually take on a friendship role with the child, rather than a parenting role with their children. The parent avoids any conflict will often acquire the child to plead if their any distress. These parents allow the children to do what they want and offer limited guidance or direction. In other words, the parents give their children what they want to eat. Disproportionate parental with high responsiveness and low demandingness. Rules and expectations are not set or rarely enforced. This can create problems to the social reciprocity in the future. The parent usually tries to keep the children happy (Baumrind et al., 2021). A neglectful parent can allow their children by not feeding them the probable nourishment of food the child needs to survive. There are low responsiveness and low demandingness. A parent that rejects their children will allow the child to go to bed hungry, because he/she did not eat all the food early that day. There are little nurturance, guidance, and attention. Neglect parents have limited engagement with their children. With the parent being cold and uncaring, this led to a disorganized attachment from the parents often neglect with their own low self esteem issues and hard times forming close relationship (Baumrind et al., 2021).  What can you interpret from the above?Social SciencePsychology