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Differential diagnosis (based on dsm 5 tr) for any one of the…

Differential diagnosis (based on dsm 5 tr) for any one of the following vignettes.


Vignette 1:

Client is a 15-year-old Hispanic female. She has been referred to you by her CSW (Children’s Social Worker), for a full assessment. As reported by CSW, the client is currently 7 months pregnant, in the 9th grade but failing all her classes, has a history of severe abuse and trauma and has been in the foster care system since the age of 10. She was first detained when her teacher called DCFS to report unexplained absences from school and bruises on her arms and face. She has recently been saying that she wants to “die” and doesn’t care about her unborn baby. She is currently “not sleeping” and reports nightmares. She also experiences a lot of anxiety in social settings and has a difficult time controlling her anger. CT has a history of cutting, as well as suicidal ideations and has been hospitalized twice in the past for overdosing on her medications. She is currently not taking any medications, as she is pregnant. The father of her baby is 22 years old, and he is currently incarcerated for a series of violations which include: drug and alcohol possession and sales, weapons possession, as well as statutory rape.


Vignette 2:

Client is a 19-year-old African American male. As reported by biological mother, client has difficulty concentrating and being attentive, anger issues, becomes physically aggressive with other children, tends to get aggressive when he does not get things his way, presents with a chronically depressed mood for the last 2 years, feelings of anger towards his father and his new family, as well as other relational problems/issues. Client is also currently on probation and has been for the past 2 years. Client has reported that he likes “blood” and likes to hurt animals and people, “just because.” Client does not show any remorse for his past behaviors and when asked about his future and what he’d like to do, he reports “fu*& my future and fu&% you.” Client has a difficult time making friends and dropped out of high school last year. His mother states that she was unable to “convince” him to go back to school therefore, she did not push the issue. Client has no motivation to complete school, obtain a job, or work on being productive.


Vignette 3:

Client is a 5-year-old Caucasian male. Client was first detained from his biological parents at the age of 5 months, for severe neglect and abuse. Client was placed with maternal aunt until the age of 3, where he was detained again for reports of physical and sexual abuse. Client was sexually abused by his 8-year-old cousin, while living with his maternal aunt. The sexual abuse was discovered by Client’s pediatrician, during a routine physical examination where the pediatrician noticed unexplained rashes and bruises on the client’s body and alerted investigators. Client is currently living in a foster home and as reported by foster mother, he displays the following symptoms: hitting, biting, pulling hair, not following direction from mother and other adults, aggression towards other children and adults, hyper-activity, temper tantrums, crying, sleep difficulties (waking up 3-4 times in the middle of the night crying), as well as limited verbal (communication) skills.