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Help with writing a report  overview of study Examination of the…

Help with writing a report 

overview of study

Examination of the reliability and validity of scores on a measure of Boredom Proneness as defined by Struk et al., (2017). Development of our measure of Boredom Proneness (BP3332) – 33 groups of students developed items: 132 items submitted – An “expert” (the Unit Convenor) chose 14 items for the measure of Boredom Proneness (BP3332). Data collection on BP3332 – PSYU/PSYX3332 students completed the Qualtrics Survey – n = 214 (Response rate= 25%) – The 14-item BP3332 measure – The 8-item Short Boredom Proneness Scale (S-BPS) – The 20-item mini-IPIP. a measure of five personality traits: N, E, A, O, C


Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) – Acceptable for BP3332 scale (rxx = .93) • Construct validity – Correlations between BP3332 scores and S-BPS scores (convergent validity ??) – Correlations between BP3332 scores and personality trait scores (convergent and divergent validity – partial support – 1 correlation was not as expected) – Overall, construct validity is not fully supported but we have support for divergent validity and partial support for the convergent validity hypotheses – Perhaps the unexpected results are due to features of our sample and the way in which we conducted the study



1. INTRODUCTION The aim of the study was to develop and assess the reliability and validity of a self-report measure of boredom proneness (BP). You will need to provide brief Introduction that leads logically to that aim. In particular, you will need to include in the Introduction: a definition of BP that is consistent with the one that you used to develop the measure and a brief discussion of how the construct of BP has been found to relate to personality traits in past research. At the end of the Introduction, you should state the aim of the research and state the hypotheses of the study – these should relate to (1) the reliability and (2) the validity of the scores on the BP measure that you have developed. The hypotheses should follow logically from the body of the Introduction


2. METHOD The Method should include sections describing Participants (How many? Who? How selected?), Materials (How was the BP measure developed and what are its features? What are the features of the other measures used?), and Procedure (How were the data gathered?). 


3. RESULTS In the Results section include descriptive information about the scores on the BP measure (mean, standard deviation), present statistics to describe the reliability of scores on the BP measure, and present statistics to describe the validity of scores on the BP measure.


4. DISCUSSION In the Discussion, your purpose is to briefly summarise the results in light of the hypotheses regarding reliability and validity of the scores on the BP measure, discuss any unexpected results (especially with reference to factors that might impact validity coefficients), comment on limitations of the study (especially where those limitations are related to unexpected findings), comment on future research directions (especially how other psychometric properties of the BP measure might be tested), and draw a sensible conclusion regarding the reliability and validity of the scores on the measure developed


here is the descriptive statistics 

Image transcription text

Descriptive Statistics Skewness Statistics Below we have the
skewness statistic and the Standard Error of Skewness. From the
SPSS manual, here is the description of what the statis…
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